Mechanism for chronic pain generation

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pinkoath
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Neuropathic pain and the other abnormalities of sensation induced by axon injury or by peripheral nerve inflammation should result from functional compensations of the injured neurons during their regeneration. Ectopic distribution of proteins related to Na+, K+ and Ca2+ channels as well as of receptors on both membranes of injured axon and its cell body becomes a main pacemaker from which spontaneous ectopic afferent of primary sensatory neurons and crosstalk between neurons occur. Abnormal ectopic afferent activities lead to disorders of the sensation, such as hyperalgesia, allodynia, spontaneous pain and paraesthesia. Administration of some ion channel agents and/or α2-adrenergic blockers has shown efficiency in preventing neuropathic pain development and in relieving neuropathic pain. Neuropathic pain and the other abnormalities of sensation induced by axon injury or by peripheral nerve inflammation should result from functional compensations of the injured neurons during their regeneration. Ectopic distribution of proteins related to Na +, K + and Ca2 + channels as well as of receptors on both membranes of injured axon and its cell body becomes a main pacemaker from which spontaneous ectopic afferent of primary sensatory neurons and crosstalk between neurons occur. Abnormal ectopic afferent activities lead to disorders of the sensation, such as hyperalgesia, allodynia, spontaneous pain and paraesthesia. some ion channel agents and / or α2-adrenergic blockers have shown efficacy in preventing neuropathic pain development and in relieving neuropathic pain.
[目的 ]体外扩增、克隆和表达恶性疟原虫海南分离株的己糖转运体 (PfHT1)基因 ,为研究其保护性免疫创造条件。 [方法 ]恶性疟原虫FCC1/HN株的体外培养 ;碱裂解法提取基因组DN
山东省泰安市中医二院为响应市委、市政府在全市卫生行业“争创最佳服务单位、争做最佳服 The Second Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Tai’an City, Shando
最近,经山东省泰安市委,市政府研究,决定将市中医院病房按建设工程列入1997年为群众办好的15件实事之一。 Recently, through the study of the Tai’an Municipal Committe
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天然自身抗体指在无任何抗原主动免疫的情况下 ,正常机体产生的与至少一种自身抗原反应的抗体。关于天然自身抗体的产生、确切功能以及与病理性自身抗体的界限尚存在很多未解
三维组织变形的测定对整形外科图像诊断来说是不可缺少的。但至今为止 ,要对两幅从不同情况下得到的图像进行组织变形量化仍然很困难 ,因为它们之间的对应关系很难确定。作者