Using Communicative Activities More Effectively

来源 :新课程改革与实践 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:itolbaxk
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  The fundamental nature of English –learning is to communicate . Classroom teaching is the start of the core and the main way. Teaching students to achieve the purpose of the classroom depends on the degree of effective communication. In the quality of education with the voice of the wave, the classroom, has become a more colorful stage.
  I Problems in communicative activities
  1.1 Students’ communicative activities
  Students don’t involve themselves in communicative activities actively.When students are assigned some communicative tasks which are mostly free talks to complete with their classmates in class.they seem to lack intense interest and usually talk something that they consider more interesting with their good friends in Chinese.
  1.2 Some unsmooth communicative activities
  Some communicative activities,though successfully designed,cannot proceed smoothly.Some students start communicative activities with hesitation,worrying that they will make mistakes concerning grammar rules.
  1.3 Some neglected mistakes
  Some mistakes concerning communicative fluency are neglected,for example,in the group work or pair work of communicative activities.
  1.4 Some unreal communicative activities
  Some active but unreal communicative activities are designed. Teachers try hard to devise interesting communicative activities.Using pictures and figures familiar to students is one of the popular activities in some schools.
  IICauses for the problems
  2.1 Students’ unorganized role.
  First students haven't completely understood newly taught structures.In class,teachers don't have a relatively detailed analysis of some abstract grammatical points in the part of presentation of practice before students move to communicative part.
  2.2 Teachers’ tolerance to the activities
  It is known that error tolerance is one of the vivid characteristics of communicative approach.Errors are tolerated and seen as a natural outcome of the development of communication skills.
  IIISolutions to the problems
  3.1 Effective and interesting communicative activities.
  “Interest in subject is the first requisite.” Effective and interesting communicative activities should be accepted to arouse students’interest and make them participate actively in communication.
  3.2、Proceeding communicative activities
  To make communicative activities proceed smoothly,teachers should get students well prepared before actual communicative activities.
  Using communication approach is a valid way in English teaching in schools.However,everything undergoes changes.“the style in language teaching changes as rapidly as the style in lady's skins.” So,teachers should use a suitable way,which overcomes problems emerging during actual practice of communication approach.It is necessary,therefore, to discover and solve those problems so,that teachers can improve their English teaching with the help of real and effective communicative approach.
摘要:如果学生只掌握了语言的运用,而不了解语言所处的文化背景,有时非但达不到交际的目的,还可能会产生截然相反的效果。本文旨在探究初中英语课堂中,如何将知识与文化背景结合,使学生更好的理解语言所处的环境,掌握与人交际的能力。  关键词:初中英语课堂;文化差异;文化教育素材库;文化意识培养策略    一、构建文化教育素材库    素材生成分课前预设和课堂中生成两种,下面列举几种素材生成的方法:  1、
摘要:部分中学生学习英语存在困难,造成学习上的心里障碍。建议首先从思想上进行疏导,再针对具体行为采取有效措施。  关键词:学困生;成绩;方法     对于大部分初中学生来说,英语是他们最感到头痛的学科,学习费力但成绩不见起效。所以,每个班里总会有一部分学生掉队,成为英语学困生。怎样才能提高这些学生学习成绩?一直是老师和学生家长共同关心的问题。  笔者认为可以从以下几个方面做一些尝试:    一.明
任务型教法强调发展学生的心理,强调学生的自觉学习能力。这种新教法的特点是以学生为中心,在教法上引入心理分析,注重学生的自发的学习能力。  由于英语教学改革的快速发展,教师的角色正发生着巨大的变化,当代教师不应该是传统的教书匠,而应变成一个个教育家。英语教师要不断提高自身素质,接受新教法和新教学理念的能力也应该很强。中学生的心理素质和英语水平也发生了巨大的变化。当代学生的民主意识增强,学生对教师的态
摘要:本文根据任务型教学的基本理论,着重探讨在课堂教学中通过任务型教学的综合训练方法。用任务驱动导言课、字母教学、单词教学、句型和对话教学,渗透德育,引领学生在英语活动中沟通交流,丰富情感,形成认知,培养思维,张扬个性,使学生的思想品质受到良好的熏陶,得到健全的发展。  关键词:德育;任务设计;课堂教学      愚蒙者,我得而智慧之;幼小者,我得而长大之。其乐为何如耶!德性的修养,内心的开悟,是
多媒体介入教学,为英语教学开创了新的天地。它可以激发学生学习兴趣,加深学习记忆;可以化抽象为具体,使教学更加形象、直观,便于学生理解和掌握知识。但是计算机只是一种辅助工具,并不能取代师生间的交流,不能取代教师对学生诸方面影响。合理运用多媒体教学手段,将会为英语教学增添姿彩,为教学方法的探讨提供广阔的空间,为培养学生英语的各种能力提供了有利的条件。    一、使用多媒体教学对于教学质量的提高具有重大
中学生这个年龄的特点是:爱说爱动,自我约束、自我控制能力不强,如果教学中忽视这些特点,单纯沿用传统教学模式,使用传统教学方法进行机械地讲解,把他们纯粹当成知识的容纳器,填鸭式地问他们灌输在 他们眼中枯燥无味,冷冰冰的语法、词汇,他们便不感兴趣,因而也就谈不上学习的积极性和主动性。目前,中学英语教学质量不佳,恐怕这是一个主要原因。学习需要兴趣。就某种意义上讲,学英语就更需要兴趣。如何激发学生的学习兴
文章摘要:本文从心理学、教育学和语言学等角度分析了初中学生在英语学习过程中兴趣的变化特点,并就如何从学生的认知水平、年龄特点等实际出发,对学生英语学习兴趣的培养和维护进行了有益的探讨。   关键词:初中学生;英语学习;兴趣;培养     著名教育学家乌申斯基说:“没有任何兴趣,而被迫进行的学习,会扼杀学生掌握知识的意愿。”孔子曰:“知之者,不如好知者,好之者,不如乐之者。”  就心理学而言,兴趣是