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当今年早来的初雪纷纷扬扬地飘洒在现代舞者曹诚渊已起舞十个春秋的北京城时,他已在一个月前的金秋时节迎来了他的花甲之年。十天后,仿佛迟到的生日礼物,在中国舞蹈家协会全国代表大会开幕的前夜,曹诚渊成为这个舞蹈艺术殿堂中令人尊敬的一员。他不无幽默地对朋友们说:我终于成为“舞蹈家”啦!那一刻,曹诚渊已在舞蹈世界跋涉四十多个春秋,舞蹈,早已成为他生命的华童。第一次看见现代舞,曹诚渊才十五岁。他没想到,那次看演出竟成为他舞蹈长路的起点。上个世纪四十年代末,曹诚渊的父母从安徽和上海到香港谋 When the snow that started early this year floated in splendidly when modern dancer Cao Chengyuan danced the ten cities of Beijing in the Spring and Autumn Period, he ushered in his golden age a month ago in autumn. Ten days later, like a late birthday present, on the eve of the opening of the National Association of Chinese Dancers’ Association, Cao Chengyuan became a respected member of this dance art hall. Without hesitation, he said to his friends: I finally became a “dancer.” At that moment, Cao Chengyuan had traveled more than 40 years in the dance world. Dance has long become the Chinese child of his life. The first time I saw modern dance, Cao Chengyuan was only 15 years old. He did not think it was the starting point for his long dance. The late forties of last century, Cao Chengyuan’s parents from Anhui and Shanghai to seek Hong Kong
本文论述了利用原节流装置及变化后的工艺参数,计算氧气管流流量的具体方法、步骤和技巧。 This paper discusses the use of the original throttling device and the chang
Lipids are a large and diverse class of biomolecules that exert multiple biochemical functions,such as fueling energy production,and building blocks for plasma
通过使用水基整合剂、正确的速率、高效率的过滤和预冲洗等在内的方法,能够大大缩短液压系统冲洗时间。现已开发了整装的移动式冲洗装置。 液压和润滑系统中都含有保障系统
Axenfeld-Rieger 综合征是双侧性疾病,其特征为突出的、前移的 Schwalbe 氏线(后胚胎环)和虹膜异常,有半数以上的病人伴有继发性青光眼且疗效不佳。本文报告10例从1982~1986年