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蒋介石对1944年中外记者赴延安考察的应对并非当作一个孤立的个案处理,在面临美国政府要求向延安派遣军事人员之际,蒋介石权衡利弊,曾有以答应外籍记者赴延安考察要求而拒绝美国军事人员进驻延安的考虑。在豫湘桂战场失利的大背景下,蒋介石对中共在美舆论影响的高估及其对美国驻华记者与官员的不满,大大加深了蒋介石对此事的疑虑并予以强力关注。蒋之焦虑在于担心中共在美宣传使美国改变对华政策并与中共建立直接联系,使其不能独占美国对华军援。仅从舆论宣传视野考察,中共获得了极大成功,国民党遭遇极大挫折;若从国共双方对此事博弈的最终目的来看,中共的成功似乎尚留遗憾,国民党的失败也非完败:美国并未因中外记者对中共的正面宣传而改变其对华政策。 Chiang Kai-shek’s response to the 1944 investigation by Chinese and foreign reporters in Yan’an was not handled as an isolated case. Chiang Kai-shek weighed the pros and cons while confronting the U.S. government’s demand for the deployment of military personnel to Yanan. Chiang Kai-shek rejected the request that foreign journalists go to visit Yan’an Military personnel stationed in Yan’an considerations. Against the backdrop of the defeat of the battlefields in Hunan and Hunan, Chiang Kai-shek overcame the CCP’s overwhelming influence on the US public opinion and its dissatisfaction with the reporters and officials of the United States in China, greatly doubting Chiang Kai-shek’s doubts about the incident and paying strong attention to it. Chiang’s anxiety lies in fearing CCP propaganda in the United States has changed the U.S. policy toward China and established direct contacts with the Chinese communists so that it can not monopolize U.S. military aid to China. Only from the perspective of public opinion propaganda, the CCP has achieved great success, the Kuomintang suffered a great setbacks; if the ultimate goal of the game between the KMT and the party in terms of the point of view, the CCP’s success seems to remain regrettable, the failure of the Kuomintang is not a failure: the United States No change has been made to China’s policy toward China because of the positive publicity made by Chinese and foreign reporters to the CCP.
在寒冷的冬季,每逢雨雪天气,路面便会出现冰冻现象,影响交通安全。这时,护路工人将盐和砂砾的混合物铺洒在路面上,用来防止车辆在结冰的路 During the cold winter, the ro
本文讨论了钢筋混凝土框架结构的非线性非弹性分析法的某些方面,并且阐述了作者推导的一种计算机程序(ST RUPL 1)的能力。我们叙述了在各种荷载条件下,钢筋混凝土框架的传统