1 病例摘要患者女,66岁。入院前10天在无明显诱因下开始发热,日体温波动在37.2℃~38.7℃,无头痛,无恶心呕吐,无腹痛腹泻,无尿频尿痛,偶有咳嗽,无盗汗,胸片提示“右下肺支气管炎”,予先锋霉素Ⅳ、氟嗪酸等药口服,但体温不退。既往有糖尿病史3年,每日服达美康80mg,尿糖控制良好。体格检查:T38℃,Bp16.5/9.8kPa,全身未及浅表淋巴结,心肺腹均无特殊发现,克氏征(-),布氏征(-),腱反射正常。实验室检查:Hb 105g/L,WBC 3.6×10~9/L、N 0.59%、L0.39%,空
1 case summary Female patient, 66 years old. 10 days before admission, no obvious incentive to start the fever, the body temperature fluctuations in the 37.2 ℃ ~ 38.7 ℃, no headache, no nausea and vomiting, no abdominal pain and diarrhea, no dysuria, occasional cough, no night sweats, chest X-ray prompts Under the lung bronchitis, "to cephalosporins Ⅳ, oral medicine and other oral drugs, but the body temperature is not refundable. Past history of diabetes mellitus 3 years, up to 80 mg daily, urine glucose control. Physical examination: T38 ℃, Bp16.5 / 9.8kPa, the body is not as superficial lymph nodes, no special cardiopulmonary abdomen, Kirschner sign (-), Brinell sign (-), tendon reflexes normal. Laboratory tests: Hb 105g / L, WBC 3.6 × 10 ~ 9 / L, N 0.59%, L0.39%, empty