,Myotropic activity and immunolocalization of selected neuropeptides of the burying beetle Nicrophor

来源 :中国昆虫科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JIA814418
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Burying beetles (Nicrophorus sp.) are necrophagous insects with developed parental care.Genome of Nicrophorus vespilloides has been recently sequenced,which makes them interesting model organism in behavioral ecology.However,we know very little about their physiology,including the functioning of their neuroendocrine system.In this study,one of the physiological activities of proctolin,myosuppressin (NicveMS),myoinhibitory peptide (Trica-MIP-5) and the short neuropeptide F (Nicve-sNPF)in N.vespilloides have been investigated.The tested neuropeptides were myoactive on N.vespilloides hindgut.After application of the proctolin increased hindgut contraction frequency was observed (EC50 value was 5.47 × 10-8 mol/L).The other tested neuropeptides led to inhibition of N.vespilloides hindgut contractions (Nicve-MS:IC50 =5.20 × 10-5 mol/L;Trica-MIP-5:IC50 =5.95 × 10-6 mol/L;Nicve-sNPF:IC50 =4.08 × 10-5 mol/L).Moreover,the tested neuropeptides were immunolocalized in the nervous system of N.vespilloides.Neurons containing sNPF and MIP in brain and ventral nerve cord (VNC) were identified.Proctolin-immunolabeled neurons only in VNC were observed.Moreover,MIP-immunolabeled varicosities and fibers in retrocerebral complex were observed.In addition,our results have been supplemented with alignments of amino acid sequences of these neuropeptides in beetle species.This alignment analysis clearly showed amino acid sequence similarities between neuropeptides.Moreover,this allowed to deduce amino acid sequence of N.vespilloides proctolin (RYLPTa),Nicve-MS (QDVDHVFLRFa) and six isoforms ofNicve-MIP (Nicve-MIP-1—DWNRNLHSWa;Nicve-MIP-2—AWQNLQGGWa;Nicve-MIP-3—AWQNLQGGWa;Nicve-MIP-4—AWKNLNNAGWa;Nicve-MIP-5—SEWGNFRGSWa;Nicve-MIP-6—DPAWTNLKGIWa;and Nicve-sNPF—SGRSPSLRLRFa).
抗坏血酸(Ascorbate acid,AsA)是果实品质的一个重要组成成分,植物的AsA含量主要依赖于生物合成,其中GDP-L-半乳糖磷酸化酶(GGP),是植物体内AsA生物合成的主要限制酶。本文首先以
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