9月11日,经过11天逾百场的演出活动,第十 四届开罗国际实验戏剧节圆满落下帷幕。在总共有46个国家参加的57台剧目的评奖中,来自德国、意大利、墨西哥、保加利亚、英格兰、波兰、美国、法国、日本、突尼斯和埃及的评委经过投票表决,最终确定了第十四届开罗国际实验戏剧节五项大奖的得主。中国选派的北京人艺《无常·女吊》剧组一举夺得“最佳男演员”(赵铮)、“最佳女演员”(花向红)两项大奖,并获得最佳剧目、最佳导演两项提名(除大奖一名外,每项大奖各设两项提名奖)。“最佳剧目”、“最佳导演”两项奖均由英国戏剧《哈姆雷特峰会》获得,“最佳舞美” 由来自捷克的《冥神的新娘们》获得。本次获奖,是我国戏剧在国际上赢得的最高的荣誉,因为开罗实验戏剧节是国际戏剧
On September 11, after more than a dozen performances in 11 days, the fourteenth Cairo International Experimental Theater Festival came to a successful conclusion. Judges from Germany, Italy, Mexico, Bulgaria, England, Poland, the United States, France, Japan, Tunisia and Egypt voted on a total of 46 referees in 46 countries to finalize the fourteenth Winner of the five prizes at Cairo International Experimental Theater Festival. The Beijing-based Beijing Peking Opera’s “Inconvenience and Women’s Mover” cast won two awards including “Best Actor” (Zhao Zheng) and “Best Actress” (Flower Red) and won the Best Repertory and Best Two nominations for the director (except one for the jackpot, two nominations for each jackpot). Both Best Repertoire and Best Director were won by the English drama Hamlet, and Best Dance by the Hindu Brides from the Czech Republic. This award is the highest honor won by our country in the world because the Cairo Experimental Theater Festival is an international theater