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张××,女,38岁,农民,于1971年初发现肺结核,曾用异烟肼等多种药物治疗无效,于1975年2月25日开始口服利福平(上海第五制药厂制,批号750201),每日剂量450毫克,分3次服,同时合用异烟肼,每日600毫克口服(患者体重35公斤)服后3天,体温逐步下降,第5天,出现食欲减退和恶心呕吐,加用中草药治疗,胃肠症状好转,但至第10天,发现巩膜黄染,肝功能:锌浊度15单位,谷丙转氨酶 Zhang × ×, female, 38 years old, farmer, found tuberculosis in early 1971, had used isoniazid and other drugs ineffective, began on February 25, 1975 oral rifampin (Shanghai Pharmaceutical Factory No. 5, batch number 750,201), a daily dose of 450 mg, divided into 3 doses, while combined with isoniazid, 600 mg daily oral (patient weight 35 kg) serving 3 days after the gradual decline in body temperature on the 5th day, loss of appetite and nausea and vomiting , Plus Chinese herbal medicine treatment, gastrointestinal symptoms improved, but by the 10th day and found scleral yellow dye, liver function: zinc turbidity 15 units, alanine aminotransferase
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Hello,my name is Zhang Rongjian.My English name is Kelvin.I’m nine.I’m from Changshu.My hometown is very clean and beautiful.I study at Changshu Experimental
本院自1983年1月~1990年12月共收治重度妊高征2089例,其中重度妊高征心衰8例,发生率为0.38%,现报道如下。 (一)临床资料年龄24~37岁,平均27岁。孕周34~39周,平均37周。初产妇7例
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Shi Jixin is my new friend,he is 12 years old.He is not very tall,but he is strong.He likes playing basketball and he plays it well.After school,he usually play