
来源 :农村电工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiguoqiang
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在一年一度的全市供电系统行业座谈会上,湖北省蒲圻市羊楼洞镇党委书记吴超胜的发言引起了与会者极大的兴趣.他在赵李桥镇任分管工业的党委副书记时,曾任过“特邀监察员”,能主动了解、掌握并不断宣传电业法规和电价政策,协调供用电关系.年初,他积极组织村、组劳力清障护线;岁末,他召开专门会议,研究解决电费收缴问题…….他把“三电”工作抓得头头是道,把镇办企业搞得红红火火.为赵李桥镇争创湖北省乡镇10面红旗之一,立下了汗马功劳.在调任羊楼洞镇党委“一把手”之后,他仍然关心电力建设和发展,关心用电管理和供用电秩序.1994年底,他亲自出面为濒临倒闭的大理石厂贷款10000多元缴清了电费.……因为他始终注重协调供用电等各方面的关系,为羊搂洞镇创造了一个良好的投资环境.目前已引进资金新上了生物碱、沙滩伞、竹拼地板条、重质碳酸钙、蒸馏水等新项目和新产品,救活了啤酒厂、石材公司等企业,1995年新增产值2500万元,创利税350万元. At the annual conference of the city’s power supply system industry, Wu Chaosheng, secretary of the Party Committee of Yangludong Township, Pudong City, Hubei Province, gave a great deal of interest to the participants. He was appointed as deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Industrial Committee in Zhao Liqiao Town. , He had ever been an “inspector” and was able to proactively understand, control, and continuously publicize electricity industry regulations and electricity price policies and coordinate the supply and use of electricity. At the beginning of the year, he actively organized village and group workforce protection and protection; at the end of the year, he He held a special meeting to study and solve the problem of collection of electricity charges.... He took the “three powers” ​​job to the forefront and made the township and township enterprises prosperous. He set up one of the 10 red flags in Hubei township for Zhao Liqiao Town. After he was transferred to the office of Yangluodong Town Party Committee, he was still concerned about power construction and development, concerned about power management and power supply. At the end of 1994, he personally came forward with a loan of over 10,000 yuan for the marble factory that was on the verge of collapse. Cleared the electricity bill.......because he has always paid attention to coordinating all aspects of the relationship between electricity supply and electricity, and created a good investment environment for the town of Yangjidong. Currently, he has introduced new alkaloids, beach umbrellas, and bamboo parquet flooring. Heavy quality Calcium, distilled water and other new projects and new products, saved the brewery, stone and other companies in 1995, the new output value of 25 million yuan, profits and taxes 3.5 million.
我们江西省石城县横江镇水利电力管理站,在镇政府和县局的支持下,于去年借贷整改工程费15.28万.元,对圩镇与友联村的供用 Our Hengjiang Town Water Conservancy and Power
时值农忙,我们农村电工又要面临管电和田间劳动两重任务,但越是忙越要注意忙中不出错.在过去的几年里,我曾遇到了几起不该发生的事故,这里说给 At a time when farmers are
我是一名农村电工,干农电工已10个春秋.这10个春秋,最使我头痛的是收缴电费.每到月头,我总是抱着抄表本,挨家串户,不是张家没人,就是李家没钱,一串就是 I am a rural electr