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在改革大潮日益汹涌澎湃的今天,富于创造精神的弄潮儿如大海蚊龙吞云吐雾,翻江倒海。中国文学艺术中反映这方面生活的作品也是百花齐放,奇葩艳丽。但是,一个时期以来,一些作品中物欲横流的观念,功利主义、利己主义的东西充斥其中,人们的责任心、道义感越来越淡漠。影视、戏曲在主旋律的召唤下,总算还张扬着向上的旗帜,而小说却过多地描写变形人、动物人,给人的感觉是“狼孩”太多,色欲太多,畸形恋情太风靡,且太野太露太淫太狂,正像朗加纳斯老人在文中描画的那样:“那些缺乏智慧和善良,而终日游宴作乐的人看来是在往下走,就这样终身彷徨下去,他们从不翘首展望真理,也不抬 Today, in the ever-surging tide of reform and reform, the creative wave-makers such as the sea mosquito swallow and vomit across the sea. The works reflecting the life in this field in Chinese literature and art are also flourishing flowers with wonderful workmanship. However, since a certain period of time, the concept of materialism, utilitarianism and egoism in some works have been flooded with them. People’s sense of responsibility and sense of morality have become increasingly indifferent. Film and television drama, under the summoning of the main theme, has finally advertised the upward banner, but the novel is too much to describe the transfiguration, animal, giving the impression that the “wolf” too much, too much color, abnormal love is too swell , And Too far too exposing too obscene, as Longanasasai old man portrayed in the article: "Those who lack the wisdom and kindness, and all day long pleasure feast of the people seems to go down, so lifelong imitation Going, they never look forward to the truth, nor lift
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The redox capacity of CeO2/Al2O3 thin film which was prepared by sol-gel method has been investigated by X-ray Photoelectron Spectrascopy (XPS). The results sho
阜阳市局 £4a 局长——_MINtkMMtgj’#lnH$B——q.M——D收束志不他只邀狲位J则【科校为先导推动地租工作.B为广为戳民U用凶盼引眯B.习.互们羹宽.互狈槽竺汹IAn.刊 办好杂志。必