Synthesis of silica/metatitanic acid nanocomposite and evaluation of its catalytic performance for a

来源 :Journal of Energy Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jxt1
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A lipophilic silica/metatitantic acid(denoted as Si O2/H2 TiO 3) nanocomposite was synthesized by hydrothermal reaction with surface-modified Si O2 as the lipophilic carrier. As-synthesized Si O2/H2 TiO 3nanocomposite was used as a catalyst to promote the aquathermolysis reaction of extra-heavy crude oil thereby facilitating the recovering from the deep reservoirs at lowered temperature. The catalytic performance of the as-synthesized Si O2/H2 TiO 3catalyst for the aquathermolysis reaction of the heavy oil at a moderate temperature of 150 °C was evaluated in relation to the structural characterizations by TEM,FTIR,XRD and FESEM as well as the determination of the specific surface area by N2adsorption–desorption method. Findings indicate that as-synthesized Si O2/H2 TiO 3nanocomposite exhibits an average size of about 20 nm as well as good lipophilicity and dispersibility in various organic solvents; and it shows good catalytic performance for the aquathermolysis reaction of the extra-heavy oil extracted from Shengli Oilfield of China. Namely,the assynthesized Si O2/H2 TiO 3catalyst is capable of significantly reducing the viscosity of the tested heavy oil from58,000 c P to 16,000 c P(referring to a viscosity reduction rate of 72.41%) at a mass fraction of 0.5%,a reaction temperature of 150 °C and a reaction time of 36 h,showing potential application in downhole upgrading heavy crude oils. A lipophilic silica / metatitantic acid (denoted as Si O2 / H2 TiO 3) nanocomposite was synthesized by hydrothermal reaction with surface-modified Si O2 as the lipophilic carrier. As-synthesized Si O2 / H2 TiO 3 nanocomposite was used as a catalyst to promote the The catalytic performance of the as-synthesized Si02 / H2TiO3catalyst for the aquathermolysis reaction of the heavy oil at a moderate temperature of 150 ° C was evaluated in relation to the structural characterizations by TEM, FTIR, XRD and FESEM as well as the determination of the specific surface area by N2adsorption-desorption method. Findings indicate that as-synthesized Si02 / H2TiO3nanocomposite exhibits an average size of about 20 nm as well as good lipophilicity and dispersibility in various organic solvents; and it shows good catalytic performance for the aquathermolysis reaction of the extr a-heavy oil extracted from Shengli Oilfield of China. Namely, the assynthesized Si O2 / H2TiO3catalyst is capable of significantly reducing the viscosity of the tested heavy oil from 58,000 cP to 16,000 cP (referring to a viscosity reduction rate of 72.41%) at a mass fraction of 0.5%, a reaction temperature of 150 ° C and a reaction time of 36 h, showing potential application in downhole upgrading heavy crude oils.
主持人:  你好!我是上海的一位妈妈,我的儿子贝贝今年十一岁,上小学五年级。说起儿子,我真是又无奈又恼火。原因是这么小的他竟花钱成性。每天他一睁眼,第一件事就是向父母要零花钱。如果你不给他,他就跟你大哭大闹,大喊大叫。甚至还以不上学为要挟。为了平息风波,我只好满足他。但他晚上回来必定口袋空空。一问他,无非买的是可乐或者汉堡包、炸鸡腿,抑或是无证小摊上的油炸物等。我生怕这些食物影响他的健康。有时下决
宝宝还不到1岁,自从发现了扔东西的乐趣后,就爱上了扔东西。这时,妈妈不要只是头疼,试着了解宝宝,找找对策吧! Baby less than 1 year old, since the discovery of the fun
脑出血继发脑室出血多为高血压动脉硬化所致,常并发上消化道出血.有学者报告继发性脑室出血发病后并发消化道出血高达72.5%,1990—1996年我们用组织胺 H_2受体阻断药预防继发