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竞争是市场经济的本质。在百舸争流的时代,市场竞争已越来越多地表现在国与国之间、地区与地区之间的环境竞争上,环境出竞争力,环境出生产力,环境就是竞争力,环境就是新优势。要不断增强区域经济的综合实力和国际竞争力,就必须继续坚定不移地加强环境建设,构建全国一流的环境包括投资环境、人居环境和发展环境,构筑适度超前、适应经济持续快速增长的新平台。为保持全省经济在较高增长平台上持续健康快速发展,促进社会全面进步,省委、省政府自去年以来作出了一系列重大战略部署。概括地讲,就是要进一步发挥“八大优势”,推进“八大举措”:一是进一步发挥浙江的区位优势,主动接轨上海,积极参与长江二角洲地区的交流和合作;二是进一步发挥浙江的产业优势,加快先进制造业基地建设,走新型工业化道路;三是进一步发挥浙江的体制优势,坚持“两个毫不动摇”,推动公有制经济和非公有制经济相互促进、共同发展;四是进一步发挥浙江的生态优势,创建生态省,打造绿色浙江,推进可持续发展;五是进一步发挥浙江的海洋资源优势,充分利用海洋资源,加快发展海洋经济;六是进一步发挥浙江的环境优势,实施“五大百亿”工程,加快重点建设步伐,推进行政机关效能建设,着力构建服务型政府;七是进一步发挥浙江的后发优势,统筹城乡发展, Competition is the essence of a market economy. In the age of competition, the market competition has been increasingly manifested in the environmental competition between countries, regions and regions, the environment is competitive, the environment is productivity, the environment is competitive, the environment is a new advantage . To continuously enhance the comprehensive strength and international competitiveness of the regional economy, we must continue to unswervingly strengthen environmental construction and build a nation-class environment including an investment environment, a living environment and an environment for development, build a moderately advanced economy and adapt to sustained and rapid economic growth New platform In order to maintain the healthy and rapid development of the province’s economy on the platform of higher growth and promote all-round social progress, the provincial party committee and government have made a series of major strategic plans since last year. In a nutshell, it is necessary to further develop the “eight major advantages” and promote the “eight major measures”: First, to give more play to the geographical advantages of Zhejiang Province, take the initiative to join Shanghai and actively participate in exchanges and cooperation in the Yangtze River Delta region; second, further develop the Industrial advantages, speed up the construction of advanced manufacturing bases, take a new road to industrialization; third is to further play the institutional advantages of Zhejiang, adhere to the “two unshakable” to promote the public-owned economy and non-public economy mutual promotion and common development; Fourth, to further play Fifth, to further develop the advantages of Zhejiang’s marine resources, make full use of marine resources and speed up the development of the marine economy. Sixth, to further exert the environmental advantages of Zhejiang Province and implement the “Five Major 10 billion ”project, accelerate the pace of key construction, promote the effectiveness of the construction of administrative organs, and strive to build a service-oriented government; seven is to further play the advantages of backward Zhejiang, urban and rural development,
据有关资料反映,全国学生总数达3亿以上,在大中型城市及县镇的中小学生已逐步实行统一的校服,并统一称为健生服,初略估计,其面料的全国销售额总计可达100亿元以上。 几年的实施表明,学
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