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独闯京城做饰品店老板好带劲范永如说自己算是幸运的,在刚到北京的两个小时内,就找到了安身的地方,并找到一份服装导购的工作,但她对这项工作并不满足。而这时朋友纪墨去了趟韩国,买了好多手链、项链。正是纪墨的韩国之行,改变了范永如的生活轨迹。当时范永如每天都带着纪墨送她的小饰品上班,很快她发现有人对这些小饰品感兴趣。最后纪墨托从威海的韩国城帮范永如进了2000元钱的韩国饰品,然后在服装店里搭配着服装卖。当这第一批货全卖完了以后,范永如发现她赚钱了。就这样干了大半年,范永如攒了两万元钱,本小利大的小饰品生意让范永如下决心要自己开个店。2000年8月,她又从家里借了两万元钱,在中国农业大学旁开起了自己的饰品店。自己做老板的高兴劲还没过,范永如就再也乐不起来了,第一个月小店全部的营业额只有232元,而当时一个月的房租就 Fong Yongru, the owner of the jewelry store in Beijing, said that he was fortunate. Within two hours of arriving in Beijing, he found a place to stay and found a job as a shopping guide. But she did not work on this. Satisfy. At this time, Ji Mo went to South Korea and bought a lot of bracelets and necklaces. It was Ji Mo’s visit to Korea that changed the trajectory of Fan Yongru’s life. At the time, Fan Yongru brought her trinkets to work every day with Ji Mo. She soon discovered that someone was interested in these trinkets. In the last period, Metow brought Korean jewelry of 2,000 yuan from the South Korean city of Weihai to Fan Yongru, and then sold the clothing in the clothing store. When the first shipment was sold out, Fan Yongru found out she was making money. After doing this for half a year, Fan Yongru had cheated on two million yuan. Fan Xiaoliang’s small jewelry business made Fan Yong determined to open a shop. In August 2000, she borrowed another 20,000 yuan from her home to open her own jewelry store next to China Agricultural University. The enthusiasm of his own boss is not over yet, and Fan Yongru will never be happy again. In the first month, the store’s turnover was only 232 yuan, and the rent for the month was only
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在有多组的词、词组并列的句子里,“和”除了用在最后两項之間外,它跟顿号还有些分工。注童这些分工,会把意思表达得更明确,层次更清楚。 (一)用“和”連接,表示两个并列成
I went camping with my fianc and his two brothers. One brother tookcharge of map reading and toward evening guided us to a campsite. When we drove up, there wa
Michael Jordan,who lifted the National BasketballAssociation(NBA)to unprecedented heights of populari-ty.confirmed on September 25 he will return as a playerfo