Effect of high mobility group box-1 protein on immune cells and its regulatory mechanism

来源 :中国应用生理学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zzdlily_6000
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High mobility group box-1 protein(HMGB1),which is a nuclear protein,participates in chromatin architecture and transcriptional regulation.When released from cells,HMGB1 also plays a well-established role as a pro-inflammatory mediator during innate immune responses to injury.In the initial stage of injury,there is a release of large quantities of early pro-inflammatory mediators to initiate or perpetuate immune responses against pathogens,but this pro-inflammatory period is transient,and it is followed by a prolonged period of immune suppression.At present,several lines of evidences have suggested that HMGB1 is a late cytokine provoking delayed endotoxin morbidity,which may enhance the production of early proinflammatory mediators,and it can contribute potently to the activation of different immune cells and play a role in the development of host cell-mediated immunity.The biology of HMGB1 has been extensively studied as a pro-inflammatory cytokine of systemic inflammation,however,this review will attempt to provide a summary of the effects of HMGB1 on different immune cells and its regulatory mechanism in acute insults. High mobility group box-1 protein (HMGB1), which is a nuclear protein, participates in chromatin architecture and transcriptional regulation. Published from cells, HMGB1 also plays a well-established role as a pro-inflammatory mediator during innate immune responses to injury .In the initial stage of injury, there is a release of large quantities of early pro-inflammatory mediators to but or propetotic period of immune suppression .At present, several lines of evidences have suggested that HMGB1 is a late cytokine provoking delayed endotoxin morbidity, which may enhance the production of early proinflammatory mediators, and it can contribute potently to the activation of different immune cells and play a role in the development of host cell-mediated immunity. The biology of HMGB1 has been extensively studied as a pro-inflammatory cytokine of systemic inflammation, however, this review will attempt to provide a summary of the effects of HMGB1 on different immune cells and its regulatory mechanism in acute insults.
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