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松花石硯硯是文房四寶之一。松花石硯曾被清朝康熙皇帝封為御硯,稱它‘寿古而質潤,色綠而聲清,起墨益毫,故其寶也。’盛產松花石料的吉林省長白山區,曾因清室祖先發祥地而被封禁,致使這種石硯中斷一二百年,本世紀七十年代初又重新找到石源,恢復了生產。一九八○年五月,吉林省通化市工藝美術廠生產的五十多方松花石硯,在北京通過鑒定,認為發墨、儲水、色澤、敲擊聲均與古松花石硯相同。新產品有淺綠、深綠、絳紫三種色調,圖案有七八十種,形狀有方形、星形、圓形、橢圓形等,不僅是書畫家所喜愛的瑰寶,也是人們收藏欣賞的古玩。(賈慶林魏大貴) Song Yan stone is one of the four treasures. Songhua Shi Yan was Emperor Qing Emperor Kangxi sealed as Yu Yan, saying it ’Shougu and quality Run, color green and clear sound, ink Mexico, so its treasure also. The Changbai Mountain area of ​​Jilin Province, which is rich in Songhua Stone, was banned for the birthplace of Qing Dynasty ancestors. As a result, the stonestone was cut off for a hundred years and again in the early 1970s to restore its production. In May 1980, more than 50 Fang Songhua Shi Yan produced by Tonghua City Arts and Crafts Factory in Jilin Province passed the appraisal in Beijing, believing that the ink, water, color and percussion sound are the same as those of ancient Songhua stone. New products are light green, dark green, purple two kinds of shades, there are seventy or eighty patterns, the shape of a square, star, circle, oval, etc., not only is the favorite geisha, but also people appreciate the collection of antiques. (Jia Qinglin Wei Dagui)
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