
来源 :中国果树 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jayxiandan001
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1982年10月份全国植保总站在大连召开了北方果树植保工作综合防治经验交流会。会上反映,苹果腐烂病、炭疽病、轮纹病、桃小食心虫、梨小食心虫及叶螨类等主要病虫的防治技术都有进展。为尽快将现有科研成果及经验应用于生产,经过座谈讨论,分别由中国农科院果树所张慈仁、中国农科院郑州果树所邱同铎和陕西省果树所谌有光同志执笔,撰写了渤海湾、黄河故道及晋、陕、甘三省三个大区的苹果主要病虫害综合防治意见,供各地参考。 In October 1982, the National Plant Protection Station held a meeting on the exchange of experience in comprehensive prevention and control of plant protection in northern China in Dalian. At the meeting, the prevention and control of major diseases and pests such as apple rot, anthracnose, ring rot, peach moth, pest moth and spider mites have all progressed. In order to expedite the application of existing scientific research achievements and experiences to production, after discussions and discussions, Zhang Zhiren from Fruit Tree Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Qiu Tongdu from Zhengzhou Fruit Tree Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and Chen Youguang from Shaanxi Province Fruit Tree Publishing Co., Ltd., authored Bohai Bay , The old course of the Yellow River and the major pest and disease control practices in three major areas of Shanxi, Shaanxi and Gansu provinces for reference.
为了研究黄芪多糖对抗磷脂抗体和尿蛋白的影响,本研究选用病理及组织学改变类似人类红斑狼疮的自发SLE模型NZB×NZW F1小鼠观察不同剂量黄芪多糖对其抗心磷脂(anticardiolipin, aCL)、抗磷脂酰胆碱(antiphosphatidyl choline, aPC)、抗磷脂酰丝氨酸(antiphosphatidyl serine, aPS)、抗磷脂酰肌醇(antiphos-phatid
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为了提高综合防治水平,我们对黑光灯群的诱虫效果、设置方法等进行了初步试验。 一、诱集成虫压低卵量 在寺岗公社的5个大队,设置118个黑光灯组成的黑光灯群,在2代棉铃虫产
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