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在紧缩银根、企业生产经营资金奇缺的情况下,湖南省桃江县农机厂依靠内部挖潜,搞活了资金,赢得了效益。今年一季度,该厂贷款余额比年初减少3%,但完成工业产值、销售收入、实现利润却分别比去年同期增长1倍、2.3倍和1.4倍。他们的主要经验是:一、挖储备成品资金,把死钱变活钱。桃江县农机厂是生产柴油机配件的专业厂家,由于所需主要原材料铝锭货源紧缺,往年储备较多,挤占了大量的生产资金。今年以来,他们采取措施,压缩储备和成品资金占用。一是强化定额管理,根据生产计划安排,适量购进原材料,并采取增加批次,减少批量,压缩储备等办法,每月进料由原来的4—5次增加到7—8次,并直接进生产车间,减少中间环节,提高原材料的使用效率。二是减少其它储备,保主要原材料储 In the case of tightening money supply and the scarcity of funds for production and business operations, the Taojiang County Agricultural Machinery Factory in Hunan Province relied on internal potential mobilization to invigorate funds and win benefits. In the first quarter of this year, the bank’s loan balance decreased by 3% from the beginning of the year, but the completion of industrial output value, sales revenue, and profit realized were respectively 1 times, 2.3 times, and 1.4 times that of the same period of last year. Their main experience is: First, digging up reserves of finished funds, to change the money from dead money. Taojiang County Agricultural Machinery Factory is a professional manufacturer of diesel engine parts. Due to the shortage of main raw materials needed for aluminum ingots, the reserves of previous years are high, and it has occupied a large amount of production funds. Since the beginning of this year, they have taken measures to compress reserve and use of finished products. The first is to strengthen the quota management, according to the production plan arrangements, the appropriate amount of raw materials purchased, and to increase the number of batches, reduce the batch, compress reserves and other methods, the monthly feed from the original 4-5 to 7-8 times, and direct Into the production workshop, reduce the intermediate links and improve the efficiency of the use of raw materials. The second is to reduce other reserves and protect major raw material storage
本文系中央重工业部钢铁局上海工程处请苏联工程师学会来赫拉孜同志演讲,当时由笔者代为译述。现在发表出来,以供读者们参考。 This article was issued by the Shanghai En