Effect of Diallyl Trisulfide on Induction of UDS by Mutagenic Drugs in Primary Rat Hepatocytes

来源 :Biomedical and Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaoxuan123456
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Mosl of anticancer drugs are mutagenic. A possible exeeption is diallyl .trisulfide(DAT ), a component of garlic. It is an antimutagenic anticunccr chemical although it ismainly uscd as antibiotic. Its modifying effeci on induction of UDS by mutagenicmitomycin C (MMC), cyclophosphamide (CP) and cis-diamine dichloroplatin (DDP) was invcstigiltcd with the UDS assay in the primary cultures of Wistar rat hepatocytes (hpc)using the autoradiographic technique. Resultsshowed that 1.0-4.0 nmol/ml of DAT didnot inducc UDS and that MMC, CP and DDP resulted in a significant induction ofdosc-dependent UDS. DAT enhanced induction of UDS by these drugs. A dose-effectrclationship was observed betwecn dose of DAT and enhancement of induction of UDS.Howcvcr, thc mcchanism of the enhancement is not clear. It is an antimutagenic anticunccr chemical although it ismainly uscd as antibiotic. Its modifying effeci on induction of UDS by mutagenic mitomycin C (MMC), A possible exeption is diallyl .trisulfide (DAT), a component of garlic. cyclophosphamide (CP) and cis-diamine dichloroplatin (DDP) was invcstigated with the UDS assay in the primary cultures of Wistar rat hepatocytes (hpc) using the autoradiographic technique. Results showed that 1.0-4.0 nmol / ml of DAT didnot inducc UDS and that MMC , CP and DDP resulted in a significant induction ofdosc-dependent UDS. D Amplified-effectrclationship was observed betweeen dose of DAT and enhancement of induction of UDS. Howcvcr, thc mcchanism of the enhancement is not clear .
亚洲十大美男之一的Kang Ta,其酷帅的外表,已经成为许多少女梦寐以求的情人典型,甚至连上至45-50的欧巴桑,下至13-14的小女生都被他迷得神魄颠倒。他经历了H.O.T解散、出个人
0 1 5 5 l 0 1 1 5 5 l 0 2 2 5 5 f 3 3 4 5 5I l l ^ 没有你 我会是谁 心停在哪 里都不 对业盟f业1 5 5 l 0业2 4 l 3一一一 拿今天 擦掉昨天 空白一片0_J星』f业1。5 b。5
原辣妹合唱团(Spice Girls)的Melanie C如今正在歌唱事业单飞的高峰,今年发行新专辑的她又用新歌《Here ItComes Again》向人们证明了自己的首张专辑并不是侥幸成功,这首歌现
财政部新闻发言人王军近日透露,财政部目前正研究制定财政“十五”计划和目标。未来5年,财政工作将主要承担四项重要任务。 王军说,这四项重要任务是,一、充分发挥财政职能