
来源 :中国企业家 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:soar
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企业老总愿不愿意、能不能够将企业托付给外部或内部的职业经理管理,这差不多成了考验中国优秀企业和优秀企业家们最重要的一道门坎。从1999年第六期“国企进入换班高峰”起,本刊就一直倾力关注各类优秀企业的高层换班问题。在不到一年的时间里,我们先后报道了方正、联想、万向、红豆、横店、华西村、小天鹅、兰州黄河等数家企业在过这道门坎时的艰难尝试,在本期杂志里读者还将从不同侧面看到安徽荣事达、四川金路、河南天明三家公司的类似体验。 华帝是这一长串名单中最新的一个,但决不会是最后一个。当然,华帝也有其独特之处——别的企业只是一个老板在过坎,而华帝是7个老板同时过坎。 The unwillingness of corporate CEOs to entrust the company to external or internal professional managers is almost the most important threshold to test China's outstanding enterprises and outstanding entrepreneurs. Starting from the sixth issue of “State-owned Enterprises Entering the Peak of Shift Work” in 1999, this magazine has always endeavored to pay attention to the problem of high-level shifts among various outstanding enterprises. In less than a year, we reported on the difficult attempts of several companies such as Founder, Lenovo, Wanxiang, Hongdou, Hengdian, Huaxi Village, Little Swan, and Lanzhou Yellow River in this issue. In the reader will also see the different aspects of Anhui Rongshida, Sichuan Golden Road, Henan Tianming three companies similar experience. Vantage is the latest in this long list, but it will never be the last one. Of course, Vantage also has its own uniqueness - other companies are just a boss in the hurdles, and Vantage is 7 boss at the same time hurdle.
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在拯救男孩的方案中,许多人认为,让男孩比女孩晚一年入学对他们大有裨益。《小趋势》一书的作者从另一角度对此现象进行了分析。 In the program to save boys, many people
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在加特省,不错,就是有尼姆和加特高架水渠的法国南部,那儿的一个邮局里。邮差是个老小姐,她有个不好的习惯:私拆他人信件。 In Gat, it is true that there is a post offic
语文教学向来存在重结论、轻过程,重知识、轻能力,重学得、轻习得的问题。这种忽视教学主体、缺乏意义建构的教学过程,排斥了学生的自我体验,缺乏对人的生命存在及其发展的整体关怀,扼杀了学生的个性,使语文教学失去了意义建构而陷入高耗低效的泥淖。如何构建有意义的语文教学过程呢?    一、组织多元对话    教学原本就是形形色色的对话,具有对话的性质。克林伯格认为,在所有的教学中,都进行着最广义的对话,不管