Computational model investigating the effect of magnetic field on neural-astrocyte microcircuit

来源 :中国物理B(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:agreessive
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Extremely low-frequency magnetic field is widely used as a noninvasive stimulation method in clinical practice and basic research.Electrical field induced from magnetic pulse can decrease or increase neuronal electrical activity.How-ever,the cellular mechanism underlying the effects of magnetic field is not clear from experimental data.Recent studies have demonstrated that “non-neuronal” cells,especially astrocytes,may be the potential effector for transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS).In the present study,we implemented a neural-astrocyte microcircuit computational model based on hippocampal architecture to investigate the biological effects of different magnetic field frequencies on cells.The purpose of the present study is to elucidate the main influencing factors of MS to allow a better understanding of its mechanisms.Our model reproduced the basic characteristics of the neuron and astrocyte response to different magnetic stimulation.The results predict that interneurons with lower firing thresholds were more active in magnetic fields by contrast to pyramidal neurons.And the synaptic coupling strength between the connected neurons may be one of the critical factor to affect the effect of magnetic field on cells.In addition,the simulations show that astrocytes can decrease or increase slow inward currents (SICs) to finely tune neuronal excitation,which suggests their key role in excitatory-inhibitory balance.The inter-action between neurons and astrocytes may represent a novel target for effective therapeutic strategies involving magnetic stimulation.
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