
来源 :江苏丝绸 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong536
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“上有天堂,下有苏杭”。苏州是以丝绸而闻名天下。丝绸历来是苏州古老而具有传统特色的行业。解放后,一直是苏州工业的支柱产业,传统的出口创汇大户。目前,仅市区丝绸系统企业事业单位就有二十多家、职工人数将近三万人。固定资产达二十多亿元。近年来,随着高新技术的蓬勃发展,传统的丝绸工业面临着前所未的的挑战,国内丝绸行业间的竞争日趋激烈。特别是去年下半年来,苏州的丝绸行业遇到了建国以来从未有过的重重困难。一些国有的大中型企业严重亏损乃至停产,各种制约生产的矛盾日益突出。严重阻碍丝绸行业的正常发展。究其原因有以下五个方面: 1.丝绸初级原料蚕茧管理体制薄弱,随之造成蚕茧管理的混乱,蚕茧大战烽起。有人为的哄抬蚕茧收购价格和大批盲目出口丝绸初级原料, “There is heaven, there are Suzhou and Hangzhou”. Suzhou is famous for its silk. Silk has always been an ancient and traditional industry in Suzhou. After liberation, it has been a pillar industry of Suzhou industry, and has traditionally earned large foreign exchange in exports. At present, there are more than 20 enterprises and institutions in the urban silk system alone, and the number of employees is nearly 30,000. More than two billion yuan in fixed assets. In recent years, with the vigorous development of high-tech, the traditional silk industry is facing unprecedented challenges, and the competition among the domestic silk industry is becoming increasingly fierce. Especially in the second half of last year, the silk industry in Suzhou encountered numerous difficulties that had never existed since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Some state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises have suffered serious losses or even stopped production. The contradictions that restrict production have become increasingly prominent. Severely hindered the normal development of the silk industry. The reasons are as follows: 1. The management system of the silk raw material silkworm cocoon is weak, resulting in chaotic management of silkworm cocoon and cocoon warfare. There was an artificial search for silkworm cocoon purchase prices and a large number of raw silk raw materials were blindly exported.
凡是去过槽渔滩参观和考察的人,无不敬佩槽渔滩人所创造的奇迹. 槽渔滩工程的主体是装机为7.5万千瓦的水电站,这个电站比原计划提前一年发电,在全国创造了中 All the peopl
简述了目前我国航空工业的质量管理概况,以及"复关"后航空工业将面临的挑战,对此,提出了若干对策。 This paper briefly describes the current situation of China’s aviation