
来源 :河南化工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:catbull
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自2000年以来,尽管河南省的氧化铝产量以年均23%的速度增长,但是河南省电解铝的年均增幅却超过了50%,而且这一差距还在逐步扩大。去年,河南省的氧化铝产量达到211万吨,进口量达到100万吨,今年的进口量可能要超过150万吨。可是,去年河南省国产氧化铝供应量仅占电解铝需求量的48%,今年这一数据将下降到40%。据预测,今后两年这一数字还有可能进一步下降。 Since 2000, although the output of alumina in Henan Province has increased at an average annual rate of 23%, the average annual growth of electrolytic aluminum in Henan Province has exceeded 50%, and the gap is still widening. Last year, Henan Province’s alumina output reached 2.11 million tons and its import volume reached 1 million tons. This year, the volume of imports may exceed 1.5 million tons. However, last year, Henan Province, the domestic supply of alumina accounted for only 48% of the demand for electrolytic aluminum, this year this figure will drop to 40%. It is predicted that this figure is still likely to decline further in the next two years.
探讨了玉米纹枯病的症状、病原菌、致病机理、发病规律、防治策略及纹枯病抗性育种分子标记辅助选择(MAS),以期为玉米纹枯病防治提供参考。 Symptoms, pathogens, pathogene
Although the12th Five-Year Plan technically concludes in2015,it is more apt to view the plan as the opening salvo to a pivotal decade intended to shepherd China
据专家预计,未来的建筑涂料市场,品牌逐鹿将成焦点,中高档次的建筑涂料将逐步占据城镇市场,中低档次的建筑涂料在经济不十分发达地区仍占有较大的市场比例。 According to
业内人士预测,下半年国内合成纤维市场行情将转好。 从需求看,下半年内需将逐渐好转,特别是三季度和四季度初是秋冬面料生产旺季,但四季度后期需求可能有所减弱。预计今年下
在经济较快增长以及季节性石油需求等因素影 响下,接下来的两三个月,国内石油需求将保持一定 幅度增长。 With the rapid economic growth and seasonal oil demand and ot