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资政大夫祠建筑群位于广东省广州市花都区三华村的西部107国道旁。由资政大夫祠、南山书院、亨之徐公祠、大夫第等建筑组成,习惯上统称为资政大夫祠。资政大夫祠建于清朝同治二年,至今已有一百三十多年的历史,比广州著名的“陈家祠”还要早二十多年。大夫祠所在地居民大都姓徐,徐亨之为该地徐姓之先祖。清朝同治年间,三华徐族同姓堂兄弟徐方正在兵部任郎中,徐表正任知事,两人深得朝廷赏识,同治皇帝把徐方正的祖父徐德魁,父亲徐时显 Assets of the doctor’s temple temple complex is located in Huadu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, Sanhua Village, west of 107 State Road. By the capitalist doctor temple, Nanshan College, Heng Xu Ancestral Hall, the doctor and other buildings composed of the habit of collectively referred to as the capital doctor temple. Capital temple was built in the Qing Dynasty Tongzhi years, has been one hundred and thirty years of history, more than Guangzhou famous “Chen Temple” as early as 20 years. Most of the inhabitants of the doctor Temple Xu, Xu Heng as the ancestor of the land Xu. During the Qing Dynasty Tongzhi period, Xu Fangzheng, the same cousin of the Sanhua Xu family, was in charge of the Langfang Army and Xu Biao as the governor. Both of them enjoyed the court’s appreciation. The Emperor Tongji, Xu Dukui’s grandfather Xu Dekui and his father Xu Shixian