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吴建平,清华大学计算机科学与技术系教授,博士生导师,清华大学信息网络工程研究中心主任,中国教育和科研计算机网CERNET专家委员会主任,CERNET国家网络中心主任。教育部计算机网络技术工程研究中心主任。国家信息化专家咨询委员会委员,中国互联网协会副理事长,国家高技术研究计划“十五”863信息领域专家委员会委员,亚太地区先进网络组织APAN副主席和中国组APAN-CN主席。1999-2001年担任国际互联网组织ICANN地址委员会ASO理事。2006年7月当选为下任APAN协会主席。主持完成20多个国家大型科研项目和工程。作为国内互联网的主要开拓者之一,主持完成“中国教育和科研计算机网CERNET示范工程”等重大项目,把CERNET建成世界上最大的国家学术网。他也是国内下一代互联网的主要发起者和推动者之一,主持的中国下一代互联网示范工程CNGI核心网CERNET2主干网,已建成世界上最大的纯IPv6互联网。他长期坚持互联网关键技术研究和互联网基础理论研究,做出了一批创新的重要科研成果。曾获国家科技进步二、三等奖各1项、部委科技进步一等奖4项,发表学术论文200多篇,获得中国技术发明专利8项,培养研究生40多名。获“国家级有突出贡献的中、青年专家”称号、国务院“政府特殊津贴”、“国家杰出青年科学基金”、“跨世纪优秀人才培养计划基金”;教育部“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授;国家973计划项目“新一代互联网体系结构理论研究”首席科学家。 Wu Jianping is a professor and doctoral tutor of the Department of Computer Science and Technology of Tsinghua University, director of the Information Network Engineering Research Center of Tsinghua University, director of the CERNET Expert Committee of China Education and Scientific Research Network, and director of the CERNET National Network Center. Director of the Computer Network Technology Engineering Research Center of the Ministry of Education. Member of the State Information Expert Consultation Committee, Vice Chairman of the China Internet Association, member of the National High-tech Research Program “Tenth Five-year Plan” 863 Information Domain Expert Committee, APAN Vice President of the Advanced Networking Organization in the Asia-Pacific Region and Chairman of the China Group APAN-CN. From 1999 to 2001, he served as a director of the ASO of the Internet Organization’s ICANN Address Committee. In July 2006, he was elected as the chairman of the next APAN Association. Hosted more than 20 large-scale research projects and projects. As one of the major pioneers of the domestic Internet, he has completed major projects such as the China Education and Research Network CERNET Demonstration Project and built CERNET into the world’s largest national academic network. He is also one of the main sponsors and promoters of the next-generation Internet in China. The CNER core network CERNET2 backbone network under the China Next-Generation Internet Demonstration Project has built the world’s largest pure IPv6 Internet. He has long been adhering to the key technology research of the Internet and basic theoretical research of the Internet, and has made a number of innovative and important scientific research achievements. He has won one or two national and second-level scientific and technological progress awards, four scientific and technological progress awards by ministries, published more than 200 academic papers, obtained eight Chinese patents for technological inventions, and trained more than 40 graduate students. Received the title of “National and Young Professionals with Outstanding Contributions at the National Level”, “Special Government Allowance” of the State Council, “National Outstanding Youth Science Fund” and “Trans-Century Talents Training Program”; Professor of the Yangtze River Scholar Award Program of the Ministry of Education ; The national 973 plan project “a new generation of Internet architecture theory” chief scientist.
2012年8月12日,梁赞收拾家里时翻出12封泛黄的情书,和一张陌生帅小伙的照片。求职无门的他,找到了妈妈当年的初恋情人苏建业,用12封情书换来了一份高薪工作。为巩固在公司的地位,梁赞撮合妈妈与苏建业发生婚外情,由此引发一场血光之灾。出人意料的是,这起惨烈悲剧,最终却有了温暖圆满的结局……  拿妈妈的情书换工作  2012年7月9日,梁赞向妈妈宋萍要30元钱理发。宋萍训儿子:“你好意思开这个口?大
Although almost all primary colorectal lymphomas are of B-cell lineage in Western countries, primary colorectal T-cell lymphomas are not uncommon in the East. T