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唐代铜镜在中国铜镜发展史上占有非常重要的地位,是中国铜镜发展的第三个高峰期。唐镜之所以有如此高的地位,与大唐盛世分不开,它是唐代经济、社会、文化高度发展的一个综合性反映。对于唐镜的突出特点,仁者见仁,智者见智,许多论著和文章谈及唐镜特点时众说纷纭。有的说唐镜用料精良,镜体厚重,高锡成分造成了白银光,雍容大气;有的说唐镜的纹饰内容吸收了波斯、印度等异域文化元素,纹饰绮丽华美,形式也突破了圆形、方形的传统,出现了菱花、葵花等花式镜,显现有容乃大的开放气魄;有的说唐镜贴近社会生活,摆脱了汉镜崇尚神仙思想的束缚,人物故事镜异彩纷呈,题材广泛;还有的认 Bronze mirror of the Tang Dynasty occupies a very important position in the history of Chinese bronze mirror, is the third peak of the development of bronze mirror in China. The reason why Tang Mirror has such a high status is inseparable from the prosperity of Datang. It is a comprehensive reflection of the high development of economy, society and culture in the Tang Dynasty. For the outstanding features of the Tang Mirror, benevolent see the benevolence, the wise see the wisdom, many treatises and articles about the characteristics of the Tang mirror when there are different opinions. Some say that the material of the Tang Mirror is excellent, the body of the mirror is thick, and the composition of the high tin causes the silver light and the grace atmosphere. Some say that the content of the decoration of the Tang mirror absorbs the exotic cultural elements such as Persia and India and the ornamentation is beautiful and beautiful, Round, square tradition, there has been a rhododendron, sunflower and other fancy mirrors, showing the capacity is a big open spirit; some say close to the social life of the Tang mirror, get rid of the shackles of the Han mirror advocating the idea of ​​immortality, Fun, wide range of topics; still others recognize
<正> "提子"是葡萄的称谓,黑提、红提即黑色、红色的葡萄。近年来,我国从美国引进黑提、红提3个晚熟葡萄新品种,经大面积推广,这些品种表现很好。现介绍如下: