
来源 :人民司法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:foxmaj
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编辑同志: 关于何时释放宣告缓刑的被告人,一九八四年第六期《人民司法》和八月十七日《中国法制报》均作了解释,但两者解释却不相同。《人民司法》认为一审宣布判处有期徒刑缓刑后,可以商请公检机关将逮捕羁押改为取保候审或监视居住;《中国法制报》认为只有在判决发生法律效力后才能解除强制措施。对同一问题,却作了两种不同的解释,让人无所适从。为此,建议:一、对这一问题作一个准确的解释;二、今后 Editorial Comrades: As for the time of release of the accused who released the suspended sentence, the Sixth People’s Justice Bill 1984 and the China Legal Daily on August 17 are all explained, but the explanations are different. According to the “People’s Court of Justice”, the people’s court believes that once the court of first instance convicts a probation sentence, the public security organ may request the public security organ to change its arrest to bail or watch for residency. According to the China Legal Daily, the coercive measure can only be lifted after the verdict is legally binding. There are two different interpretations of the same issue that confuse oneself. To this end, suggestions: First, an accurate explanation of this issue; Second, the future
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收紧的河流  没有了自由  我是说你渐瘦的身躯  触不到岸  以及岸边晾晒的心事  一缩再缩  烈日劈开石块  河床里都是沙的尸体  最后  在石缝间晶莹的  是晚归的老牛滴落的  绝望  看一朵莲盛开  约上阳光、白云,蓝天、微风  撑着长篙  去看一朵莲盛开  水草聚集成深绿  调和一池碧蓝  水托举着,风调戏着  羞涩源于水鸟的表白  从芦苇背后欣赏  还是廊道木板上俯视  不如划一叶小舟 
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