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本世纪六十年代以前的语言学著作普遍认为,语言结构是由语音、语法、词汇三部分组成。这种说法,直到今天仍然被大部分人所接受。然而,大家都知道,词是语音和意义的结合体,复合词和词组的结构受语法规则的支配,因此,词汇是不能同语音、语法并列在一个平面上的。由于这种缘故,在乔姆斯基提出转换生成语法之后,不少人便认为,语言结构应由语音、语义、语法三个部分组成。语音具有标志性,语义具有解释性,语法具有生成性。这个语言理论框架较合理。语义问题由此引起人们广泛的重视。 信息论认为,人们语言交际的目的是为了交流信息。在语言信息的交流过程中,人们的交流或对语言的理解并不是完全靠语法,“语法第一”,而主要是依赖语义,即“语义第一”。语义是语言的基础,即便人们在口语中有许多句子省略成分或不合语法时,人们照样可依赖“语义网络”(Sematic Network)来进行理解。 美国语言学家弗里斯在《布龙非尔德学派》一文中指出:“‘意义’并不是在言语形式本身,而是言语形式的三种关系的类型组成:(1)一类言语形式和另一类言语形式的关系;(2)言语形式和非言语环境(物体、事件)等的关系;(3)言语形式和参与交际行为中的人 Before the sixties of this century linguistics generally agreed that the language structure is composed of three parts of speech, grammar, vocabulary. This statement, until today, is still accepted by the majority. However, as we all know, words are the combination of speech and meaning. The structure of compound words and phrases is dominated by grammatical rules. Therefore, words can not be juxtaposed with phonetics and grammar. For this reason, after Chomsky proposed the conversion grammar, many people think that the language structure should be composed of three parts: speech, semantics and grammar. Phonetic symbolic, semantic interpretation, grammar generative. This linguistic framework is reasonable. Semantic problems have aroused widespread attention. Information theory believes that the purpose of people’s language communication is to exchange information. During the exchange of language information, people’s communication or understanding of language does not rely solely on grammar, “grammar first”, but mainly on semantic meaning, ie, “semantic first.” Semantics is the foundation of a language, and people can still rely on the Sematic Network to understand even though there are many sentences in the spoken language that omit or disagree. The American linguist Fries pointed out in his article “The Bloomfield School:” “Meaning” does not consist of the formal forms of the speech itself but the types of the three forms of the speech: (1) (2) the relationship between verbal form and nonverbal environment (objects, events), etc .; (3) the relationship between verbal form and participation in communicative activities
石玉祥是哲里木盟乌日根他拉农场的职工,全家6口人。现在他家告别了以往贫穷的生活,成了造林的致富户。 1988年,石玉祥开始承包造林200亩,被列为农场的造林专业户。为了合理
现行规范中规定 ,承载比 (CBR)试验试件制备采用锤击法 ,文中结合实践 ,介绍另一种制备试件方法———静压法 ,并探讨其可行性。 The current code stipulates that the CBR