正确进行技术改造 努力增强企业发展后劲

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现代化企业的经营活动,是以现代科学技术为基础的。技术水平的高低,直接关系着企业的素质,影响企业的经营成果。要想使科学技术真正成为企业腾飞的翅膀,除了一些政策需要完善配套外,还必须在改革中坚持抓好技术改造。可以说,企业技术改造决策的正确与否决定着企业的兴衰与成败。近年来,宝丰县玻璃厂通过对市场的调查和预测,运用多种科学方法,及时对企业的技术改造进行正确的决策,取得了明显的效果。五年时间,该厂把年设计能力5000吨的玻璃生产线改造扩大到20000吨,产值、利税由1983年的180万元和37.3万元,分别增长到1988年的540万元和100万元。实践证明,及时正确地进行技术改造决策是企业生存和发展的重要措施。宝丰县玻璃厂坚持改革,勇于开拓,大胆进行技术改造,经过了四个步骤。 The business activities of modern enterprises are based on modern science and technology. The level of technology, is directly related to the quality of enterprises, affecting the business results. In order to make science and technology truly become the wings of business take-off, in addition to some policies need to improve the package, but also must adhere to the reform in technological transformation. It can be said that the correct decision of technological transformation of enterprises determines the success or failure of the enterprise. In recent years, Baofeng County glass factory through the market research and forecasting, the use of a variety of scientific methods, timely technological transformation of enterprises to make the right decisions and achieved significant results. In five years, the factory transformed the glass production line with an annual design capacity of 5,000 tons to 20,000 tons. The output value, profits and taxes increased from 1.8 million yuan in 1983 and 373,000 yuan in 1988 to 5.4 million yuan and 1,000,000 yuan in 1988 respectively. Practice has proved that timely and correct decision-making technological transformation is an important measure for the survival and development of enterprises. Baofeng County glass factory adhere to the reform, the courage to open up, bold technological transformation, after four steps.
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世界上最大的镍金属生产者,国际镍公司(Lnco)开始逐渐增加它的黄金收益。Lnco黄金公司于1988年9月在魁北克省 Lasarre以北大约100公里的 Casa Berardi 断层东端的 Pond 东部