
来源 :福建稻麦科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wqvbqjxtid1
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一、晚稻育种问题: 感光型晚稻育种曾作为我所水稻育种的主要任务之一。但弱感光的中熟晚稻丰产性不如杂交水稻,1986年省区试(泉州点)常规晚稻中熟组参试7个品种平均亩产355.1公斤,晚稻杂优组参试5个组合平均亩产411.2公斤,后者增产15.8%;强感光的迟熟晚稻虽丰产性好,但熟期偏长,10月中旬初抽穗时,易受寒流危害,稳产性差;此外,感光型晚稻还需专用秧地。因此,在我市感光型常规晚稻品种的种植面积在逐年减少,由1983年的36.22万亩至1985年减至21.25万亩。除杂 First, the late rice breeding problem: Sensitive late rice breeding has served as one of my main tasks of rice breeding. However, the light-sensitive mid-season late rice is not as productive as the hybrid rice. In 1986, the average late rice middle season group (355.0 kg per mu) 411.2 kg, the latter increased 15.8%; late late late strong strong yield, although good yield, but the maturity of long, mid-early October heading, vulnerable to cold hazards, poor stability; In addition, the sensitive late rice also need special seedlings Ground As a result, the planting area of ​​conventional late-season rice varieties in the city decreased year by year, from 362,200 mu in 1983 to 21.25 mu in 1985. Impurity removal
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