Patient, female, 53 years old. Due to fatigue, knee, ankle pain, polydipsia, polyuria 1 year, intermittent limbs soft paralysis 4 months admission. Since March 1989 knees, ankle pain, and sometimes early morning joint stiffness, weakness in the lower limbs, can not go far and weight, cold, hair loss, memory loss, polydipsia, polyuria, daily intake and drainage of about 3000ml. 4 months before admission suddenly flaccid limbs, no breathing difficulties and incontinence. Live in the local hospital serum potassium 2.4mmol / L, diagnosed as “periodic paralysis.” After intravenous and oral potassium chloride to restore the autonomic movement, but still feel limbs sore, difficult to walk, since oral potassium chloride 3g / d, Drug withdrawal is relapse. No edema, sweating, frequent urination and hematuria. No home