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“金山银山不如绿水青山,我们虽然穷,但决不急功近利,我们一贯坚持生态立县、环保优先的发展理念,以保护现有的自然生态为基本目标,坚持’资源开发可持续、生态环境可持续’,坚决防止走先污染后治理的老路子,努力保护好这片净土,充分发挥裕民县的生态优势,做大做精生态旅游产业,依托旅游业带动生态农牧业、生态工业及第三产业的快速发展。相信未来,仅靠生态旅游,裕民的老百姓就可以坐吃山不空,同时还可以留给子孙后代一片原生态的青山绿水蓝天白云。”这是裕民县委书记徐本来对裕民经济发展的定位。 Although we are poor, we are never quick success. We have always insisted on the development concept of eco-li county and priority of environmental protection, and take the protection of the existing natural ecology as our basic goal. We adhere to the principle of ’sustainable development of resources, Ecological environment sustainable ’resolutely prevent taking the first path of pollution control after the old way, and strive to protect this piece of pure land, give full play to the ecological advantages of the county, bigger and fine eco-tourism industry, relying on tourism to promote ecological farming and animal husbandry, Eco-industry and the rapid development of the tertiary industry.I believe in the future, eco-tourism alone, people of Yumin can take the time to eat, but also can be left for future generations an original green mountains and blue sky and white clouds. Yumin county party secretary Xu was the positioning of economic development.
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这是一位香港钓友的钓鱼日记,从字里行间,颇能看出香港钓迷的海钓情结。 This is a phishing diary from a Hong Kong philanderer. It is quite clear from the lines that
偶然发现1999年5月的一天,受几位钓友之约到鲇鱼山水库上游的周湾钓鱼。坐在船上,就能看见那边已是人头攒动,有二十多人一字长蛇地摆开,等我在一个洄 Occasionally found on
糖尿病酮症酸中毒(diabetic ketoaeidosis,DKA)具有起病急骤、病情凶险、进展迅速、误诊率高的特点,不及时、不规范治疗可能增加脑水肿、永久性神经损害和死亡等发生。  目前临床中因疏忽而延误治疗、不恰当治疗的病例颇多,今天就一起来聊一聊那些DKA诊治中需要格外注意的细节。  DKA 诊断中应注意的细节  1、仔细询问既往病史及发病前情况  Ⅰ型或Ⅱ型糖尿病均可发生DKA,Ⅱ型糖尿
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