
来源 :中学地理教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fanfan19860303
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地理基本概念、基本原理是地理知识中的主干。对地理基本概念、基本原理的准确理解与灵活掌握是地理学科的基本要求,也是学好地理课的关键。很多同学反映上课时能够听懂老师的讲解,但做题时不知从何入手,答非所问、丢三落四,考试时觉得很简单的问题得分率却很低。笔者认为,大多学生在学习时普遍存在的问题有三:一是没有准确理解基本概念、基本原理;二是学生不注意其概念和原理的准确记忆;三是不会灵活应用。因此,教学时应注意以下问题:一、准确理解基本概念、基本原理的含义例1 长江中上游地区植被破坏对环境会造成哪些不利影响?学生答:砍伐森林会造成水土流失、土地沙漠化及次生盐碱 Geographic basic concepts, basic principle is the backbone of geographic knowledge. It is the basic requirement of geography discipline to understand and grasp the basic concepts and basic principles of geography well. It is also the key to learn geography lessons well. Many of my classmates can understand the teachers’ explanations when they are in class, but I do not know where to start the questioning. If I do not answer the questions and give up the questions, the rate at which the exams are found to be very simple is very low. The author believes that most of the students in the study of ubiquitous problems are three: First, there is no accurate understanding of the basic concepts, basic principles; second, students do not pay attention to the precise memory of its concepts and principles; Third, it will not be flexible. Therefore, teaching should pay attention to the following questions: First, an accurate understanding of the basic concepts and basic principles of the meaning of Example 1 Vegetation damage in the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze River will adversely affect the environment? Students answer: Deforestation can cause soil erosion, land desertification and times Saline
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