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建国四十年来,我省水产科技工作者,坚持党的领导,面向渔业经济建设,重视理论与实践结合,当前与长远结合,艰苦努力,勇于开拓,不断攻克水产生产发展中的技术难关,科技成果累累,经济效益显著,为我省水产业持续、稳定的发展作出了重大贡献。特别是党的十一届三中全会以来,广大科技人员进一步贯彻全国科学大会精神和党中央关于科技体制改革的决定和部署,取得了一批重大科研成果,据统计,十年中,通过省级验收鉴定的水产科技成果有122项,其中获得国家科技成果奖或科技进步奖的有 In the 40 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the aquatic science and technology workers in our province have persisted in the leadership of the party and oriented the construction of fishery economy. They attach importance to the combination of theory and practice. At present and in the long term, they work hard and have the courage to open up to continuously overcome the technical difficulties in the development of aquatic products production. Achievements, significant economic benefits, for the province’s sustained and stable development of aquaculture has made a significant contribution. Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee in particular, the majority of scientific and technological personnel have further implemented the spirit of the National Science Conference and the decisions and arrangements made by the Party Central Committee on the reform of the science and technology system and have made a number of major achievements in scientific research. According to statistics, over the past ten years, There are 122 aquatic science and technology achievements of acceptance inspection, of which there are national science and technology achievement awards or scientific and technological progress awards
本文对内燃机车制造和修理中的清洁度管理体系、提高清洁度的措施及清洗的分类、设备、工艺等作了介绍。 This article introduces the cleanliness management system, the
加拿大鱼类与海洋部的科学家桑德斯找到一种使幼年鲑鱼加速生长的办法,即提高水温并改变其它一些条件,可在一年里培育 Sanders, a scientist with the Department of Fish