不提口号见行动 用实惠换心动——驻滇某预备役团支持驻地新农村建设实实在在办事

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驻滇某预备役团为玉溪市大营街师旗村新农村建设投资15万余元,出动人力600余次,车辆80余台次,赢得赞誉。为改变大营街师旗村的面貌,团领导多次深入农户家中,与农民交心谈心,了解他们的生产生活情况,倾听他们的愿望和要求,并与村干部共商发展,参与制定建设规划。为使村民从心底真正理解新农村建设是民心工程,团里在村中心道路位置立起宣传牌,在村委会院内制作了宣传栏,宣传新农村建设的内涵、具体标准、给村民带来的利益,让村民感受到新农村建设是实惠不是口号。这个村的道路年久失修,到处坑坑洼洼,遇到雨天,更是泥泞不堪。该团从家底经费中挤出3万元,派员派车修村道。同时,请来同艺师栽种花木,彻底改变了村民公共生活环境;请来市农技人员为村民讲解农科知识,指导村民栽种 A reserve corps stationed in Yunnan invested 150,000 yuan for the new rural construction in Shidi Village, Daying Street, Yuxi City, mobilized more than 600 manpower and more than 80 vehicles and won praise. In order to change the face of Shiqi Village in Daying Street, the CYL leaders deeply went to the farmer households, talked and talked with the peasants, learned about their production and living conditions, listened to their wishes and demands, and held discussions with the village leaders on their development plans and participated in the formulation of construction plans . In order to make villagers truly understand the new countryside from the bottom of my heart is a popular project, the regiment set up publicity signs at the center of the village center and made propaganda columns in the village committee courtyard to publicize the connotation and concrete standards of the new rural construction and bring them to the villagers The interests of the villagers feel that the new rural construction is a benefit not a slogan. The roads in this village have been in disrepair for a long time. There are bumpy places and rainy days, making them even more muddy. The group squeezed out 30,000 yuan from the family funding, sent members to repair the car village Road. At the same time, please come to plant artisans planted with flowers, completely changed the public living environment for villagers; invited to agricultural science and technology for villagers to explain agricultural knowledge, guide villagers to plant
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