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  I came to China six years ago to try to un- derstand the foreign policy perspectives of China, and the epochal shifts taking place in the global community. Asia’s rise is a reality, and the shifts the world is experiencing in a post-colonialist and post-imperialist age require a re-evaluation of definitions and perceptions.
  Developing countries are now emerging and pushing global development forward. Amidst all of this, China’s increased significance and enhanced role in the global community caught my attention as an international relations scholar in Pakistan.
  My years in China since 2014 have been gratifying, for I have seen the country’s development pace not only taking professionals like myself forward, but also resulting in a more equitable society. The scale, scope and speed of China’s development are unprecedented in terms of numbers such as double-digit economic growth, the trillion-dollar Belt and Road Initiative, and 800 million people moving out of extreme poverty.
  When we think about China, we often limit our perception to a grand well-oiled machine, rather than 1.4 billion people working toward a common goal. This perspective is what needs to be broadened.
  As someone dedicated to understanding new ways for developing countries to move forward and for young people to move away from zero-sum mentalities toward a broader and more inclusive perspective in understanding national interests, my tours in China have been transformative.
  Visiting the terracotta warriors in Xi’an and learning the history of the ancient Silk Road, were more than just getting to know the history of China. Somehow it brought us closer together, regardless of where we were from.
  We realized our histories are not so different, but in fact they intertwine; and that humanity has prospered most when people set common goals—unity despite diversity is the secret ingredient. Somehow the idea of a shared future came to life.
  I also realized that the attempt to comprehend millennia of history is humbling because perceived from the spectrum of time, we are no more than tiny specks. Mistakes have been made by all, and human experience and development is a constant process of discovery and improvement, forgiving and moving forward. Nothing is absolute, and success is usually the result of constant reflection and progress—and betterment is an aspiration and an ideal to constantly work toward. Today we can be better than yesterday, and that journey never stops.   After six years in Beijing, I have discovered the dynamics of China’s development, not only its historical experience but also its pursuit for the constant improvement of its 1.4 billion people. In particular, China’s poverty alleviation efforts represent stories that need to be heard and told for other developing countries to understand and learn from and for developed countries as well. Concepts like the Shanghai Spirit and the Belt and Road as well as the notion of a community with shared aspirations and a shared future shed light on the way forward. To nurture these ideas and to take proactive steps toward making them tangible requires first of all shared experiences.
  Synergy is the organic linkage that binds us together regardless of race and religion. Addressing issues such as poverty, hunger, women empowerment, literacy, global warming, and other global challenges requires our undivided and unanimous attention. These cannot be addressed when we are divided. Greater synergy is not just the best, but also the only viable way forward. BR
澳門的交通服務有待提高  城市的公共交通狀況,能直接反映一個城市的發展規劃是否具有潛力和精神文明有多高,比如公共汽車司機的服務態度和技術水準;的士司機對遊客和市民接載服務態度是否文明等,均能反映出市民和遊客對一個城市旅遊生態的感受。澳門作為一個定位發展國際休閒旅遊的城市,其公共交通設施及其乘服人員的態度卻讓我們感到意外。在澳門短短4天的所見所聞中,有两件事让我们印象深刻:一是澳門的巴士司機態度惡劣
2011年10月23日,第16屆澳門國際貿易投資展覽會(MIF)圓滿落幕,取得了較為可喜的成績。相關統計數字表明,第26屆MIF共吸引逾95,000人次入場參觀,比2010年增長17%;此次MIF提供“會展直通車”、“特邀海外客商計划”等服務,舉行了47場論壇、會議和推介會等活動,共促成1502場商業配對,達成81個簽約項目。  MIF的成功印證了澳門會展經濟近年來的發展和進步。澳門回歸以來,經濟
在二○一二年新年來臨之際,我謹代表中央人民政府駐澳門特別行政區聯絡辦公室,向廣大澳門同胞致以誠摯問候和良好祝願!   律回春暉漸,萬象始更新。剛剛過去的二○一一年,在偉大祖國發展歷程中殊不平凡。這一年,國際形勢風雲變幻,充滿各種挑戰。全國各族人民在以胡錦濤同志為總書記的中共中央帶領下,高舉中國特色社會主義偉大旗幟,深入貫徹落實科學發展觀,鞏固和擴大應對國際金融危機成果,宏觀經濟呈現增長較快、
There is a famous saying: Seeing is believing. The underlying implication of this statement is that nothing can substitute a firsthand experience. This chapter of my life via a five-day trip in Jiangx
台湾是一个充满矛盾的社会,但在诸多矛盾中,蓝绿矛盾是一个基本矛盾,其他社会矛盾包括统独矛盾、省籍矛盾、南北矛盾、政经矛盾、环保与经济发展矛盾等,或多或少都受蓝绿矛盾的制约与影响。    最近以来,大陆涉台学界开始重视与讨论台湾社会的主要矛盾问题,尤其是认为阶级矛盾愈益突出,并成为民进党在政治斗争与选举中主打的议题,即不再主打“统独”等政治议题,而主打“阶级”、“民生”与“贫富差距”等“非政治”议题
The bigger China gets, the bigger its international responsibilities do, too. The Chinese Government values stability in global affairs as a matter of principle. Its contribution to this stability, ho
藉此送舊迎新之際,我謹代表特區政府向全體澳門市民致以親切的節日問候和最良好的新年祝願!   在充滿挑戰而又難忘的二零一一年,特區政府從廣大居民的切身需要著想,從社會的長遠利益出發,以優化城市生活、推動人文建設、實現陽光政府、鞏固制度建設為重點,逐步落實施政報告的承諾。我們很高興地看到,一年來澳門的經濟保持穏定增長,財政金融基礎鞏固,整體社會環境安定。   在新的一年,特區政府將積極實施