阜阳制药厂继1994年被认定为高新技术企业之后,1997年10月9日,该厂生产的柠檬酸被省科委组织的评审委员会批准为高新技术产品。消息传来,从厂领导到每一个职工,无不为之振奋。 微生物发酵中的菌种筛选、分离、培养及发酵工艺是生产柠檬酸的关键技术,而这些技术,阜阳制药厂在全国同行业中居领先地位。因菌种和发酵技术的独到之处,使该厂发酵方面的几项技术经济指标,如平均产
After Yangyang Pharmaceutical Factory was recognized as a high-tech enterprise in 1994, on October 9, 1997, the citric acid produced by the plant was approved as a high-tech product by the review committee organized by the Provincial Science Committee. The news came from the leaders of the factory to every employee. All were excited. The selection, isolation, cultivation and fermentation of strains in microbial fermentation are the key technologies for the production of citric acid. With these technologies, Liyang Pharmaceutical Factory is the leading company in the industry in the country. Due to the unique features of strains and fermentation technology, several technical and economic indicators of the fermentation of the plant, such as average production