主动适应农村经济发展需要 培养新一代乡村医生

来源 :中国初级卫生保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:blanknan
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随着改革开放的不断深入,开发开放浦东,上海市区范围扩大了,但是,市政府依然十分重视农村基层的卫生工作。上海市现有的6702名乡村医生,有88%的人通过测试和学历教育,已达到中专以上(含中专)水平,平均每个村卫生室拥有2.33名乡村医生。提前完成了卫生部制订的《1991年至2000年全国乡村医生教育规划》。现将我们的体会和做法汇报如下: With the continuous deepening of reform and opening up and the opening up of Pudong, Shanghai has expanded its area, but the municipal government still attaches great importance to rural grassroots health work. Of the existing 6,702 rural doctors in Shanghai, 88% have passed the test and academic education and have reached the level of technical secondary school (including secondary school). On average, each village clinic has 2.33 rural doctors. The “National Rural Doctor Education Plan for 1991-2000” formulated by the Ministry of Health was completed ahead of schedule. Now report our experience and practice as follows:
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笔者采用修改后的WHO/AIDS KABP问卷,以匿名集中自填问卷方式,对珠江三角洲港口往返港澳的444名货轮船员和55名客轮船员进行了有关艾滋病的知识、态度、信念、行为调查,结果