
来源 :西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chen126
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本文通过对F_2主要性状遗传进度、相关遗传进度、选择指数的估算分析,得出在有些组合中可对单株粒重进行直接选择,一些组合可用株高、抽穗期、百粒重、每穗粒数对单株粒重进行间接选择,其它产量组成因素以直接选择为佳。提出可用Y=-3.4923X-11.7590X+65.3411X+0.8909X(株高+抽穗期+百粒重+每穗粒数)指数式进行组合评定和单株选择。 In this paper, through the estimation of genetic progress, related genetic progress and selection index of main traits of F 2, we found that in some combinations, the grain weight per plant can be directly selected. Some combinations can be used for plant height, heading date, The number of grains per plant weight indirect selection, other yield components to direct selection is better. It is suggested that the combination evaluation and single plant selection can be made exponentially with Y = -3.4923X-11.7590X + 65.3411X + 0.8909X (plant height + heading stage + 100 kernel weight + kernel per spike).
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