
来源 :国外医学.耳鼻咽喉科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luxiliang
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泪腺受面神经膝分支的岩浅大神经支配,故可利用泪腺功能测定以检查面神经,Shirmer氏滤纸试验已广泛用于泪腺功能检查,但尚未成为面神经检查的必查项目。1975年栗桥氏介绍了用棉线蘸氢化萤光素置于泪腺部的检查泪腺功能新方法。本文作者们用滤纸和棉线两种方法进行泪腺功能检查,确定了棉线检查正常值及正常范围,并测定外周性面瘫的患侧泪腺功能,及其部位诊断与恢复预后估价。用全棉棉线长10cm,24小时内用70%酒精加70%乙醚脱脂干燥,用10%氢化萤光素液涂染棉线的一端3cm长,置于一侧上睑外侧、泪腺下方,插入后闭目放置60秒钟,睁眼取出棉线,并即刻测量浸湿的氢化萤光素染色长度。用同样方法测定另侧泪腺功能进行比较。以无眼疾的42名正常人测定正常值及正常 The lacrimal gland is dominated by the petrous arachnoid nerve of the facial nerve knee. Therefore, the lacrimal gland function test can be used to examine the facial nerve. The Shirmer’s filter paper test has been widely used in lacrimal gland function tests, but it has not yet become a necessary item for facial nerve examination. In 1975, Kashiwabashi introduced a new method for examining lacrimal gland function by placing a hydropiper fluorescein in the lacrimal gland. The authors used two methods of filter paper and cotton lacrimal gland function tests to determine the normal and normal cotton thread examination range, and to determine the peripheral facial paralysis ipsilateral lacrimal gland function, and its diagnosis and recovery prognosis of the site valuation. Cotton cotton with a long 10cm, 24 hours with 70% alcohol and 70% ether degreasing drying, with 10% hydrogenated luciferin fluid Tu end of cotton 3cm long, placed on the side of the upper eyelid, lacrimal gland, after insertion Place eyes closed for 60 seconds, remove the cotton thread with your eyes open, and measure the length of the dyed hydrolysin immediately. The same method was used to determine the function of the other lacrimal glands for comparison. 42 normal subjects without eye diseases were measured normal and normal
在此岸想着彼岸,在彼岸望着此岸。 大陆热持续燃烧,台湾名女人何丽玲带着独特号召力,从秋风送爽的西湖畔出发,进军餐饮事业。虽然有“星巴克”、“真锅”等强敌环绕,她以自
本文报告一例73岁妇女白内障术后一直滴用氯霉素眼药水和氯霉素多粘菌素 B 眼膏,不到两月死于再障贫血。病人除近患高血压外一向健康,未患过显著出血病。除上述眼药外曾服氨
由中国石化集团公司科技开发部、炼油事业部、安全环保部联合组织的《高硫油加工过程中工艺、设备、安全问题技术讨论会》于 2 0 0 1年 4月 1 6日至 1 8日在北京召开。中国石
(unit)斗二月Production and Sales of Domestic Passenger Cars Jan. to Nov. 1997 (unit) 斗 二月 Production and Sales of Domestic Passenger Cars Jan. to Nov. 1997
编辑同志:您好! 1996年2月,我买了一辆大阳90C四冲程摩托车,到9月份已行驶了 7 000 km,第一次清洗空气滤器滤芯时,发现滤芯的塑料部件已被挤碎,以JH70车空气滤清器滤芯代用后
室温无溶剂的条件下氯铬酸吡啶盐 (PCC)可将醇、肟、环缩醛等氧化为羰基化合物 ,37例收率 75 %~ 96 % ;醛被氧化为羧酸 ,8例收率 75 %~ 90 %。醇、肟、醛及环缩醛的无溶剂氧化