来源 :Chinese Geographical Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangliu349
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Daqing is a mining city that was set up on wetland by exploiting and processing petroleum.This paper points out that net-group urban system is the optimization mode for Daqin g urban spatial structure through an alyzing and appraising the present situation,c haracteristics,advantages and dis advantages of Daqing spatial structure.And the best way of optimizing Daqing urban spatial structure is to adopt sustainable development strategy,establish th e coordinated grade structure of urban system,con struct developed towns net system,p refect the function structure of the towns at all levels,make full use of resources an d strengthen environmental protection.Spatial structure of Daqing must be according-ly adjusted in order to adapt to the tr ansformation of future economy types and functions.Based on the foundation of keep-ing net group,the development shoul d be from disperse to moderate centra lization in order to give prominence to the multi-function of the central city.Constr ucting ruralizing city should be the future goal of Daqing City. Daqing is a mining city that was set up on wetland by exploiting and processing petroleum. This paper points out that net-group urban system is the optimization mode for Daqin g urban spatial structure through an alyzing and appraising the present situation, c haracteristics, advantages and dis advantages of Daqing spatial structure. And the best way of optimizing Daqing urban spatial structure is to adopt sustainable development strategy, establish th e coordinated grade structure of urban system, con struct developed towns net system, p refect the function structure of the towns at all levels, make full use of resources an d strengthen environmental protection. Spatial structure of Daqing must be according-ly adjusted in order to adapt to the tr ansformation of future economy types and functions. Based on the foundation of keep-ing net group , the development shoul d be from disperse to moderate centration lization in order to give prominence to the multi-function of the central city.Constr ucting r uralizing city should be the future goal of Daqing City.
【AD 2002】你34岁,我6岁,我们相差28岁。你穿米色长风衣,身边跟着戴粉红发卡的我。九月的枫树郁结了整个夏季的赤与金,那些渗透了阳光的叶子的影,洋洋洒洒地落在你的发梢上
日本三菱电机公司今年6月推出四面出风顶层嵌入式室内机商用单元空调机,具有再热减湿功能,COP达4.0(P80机型)。首次采用了变频再热减湿系统。 新产品具有2hp(制冷量4.5kW)、2
幸福是什么?是每一个人内心深处对爱所表达出的最真挚的情感,是对生活的满足,是希望永远愉快的心情。  幸福之树在哪里?其实,它一直种在你家门口。它比银杏树更具价值,它比枫树更加火热,它比松树更具光芒。可是,你却常常忽略它的存在,一次次陌生地经过它的身旁。有时,它为自己被人忽略而感到伤感,有时,它又为你的冷漠感到揪心。那细水长流般的充足时间,早已在你的不断离去、不断归来中,悄然逝去。当你蓦然回首,幸福
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看见QQ里你的头像又在闪动了,霎时间那些似是已经封存了很久的记忆又打开了,拿起水杯,喝一口水,有点凉,有点苦。回到最初的原点,是会有点感伤的吗?小莫……即莫,当第一次 QQ
浸染着水乡底色的“木瓜浜”丛书中写道:“梦在那里生了翅膀,飞出了童年的纯真……”在这精彩的“世博”之年,怀着对未来生活的美好期许,喜欢阅读的你们,是不是会生出许多美丽的梦想和感动人的故事呢?为此,上海世纪出版集团少年儿童出版社、中共昆山市委宣传部、昆山市千灯镇人民政府等部门特发起读写大赛。  主办单位:上海世纪出版集团少年儿童出版社 中共昆山市委宣传部 江苏省昆山市千灯镇人民政府 江苏省昆山市教育
生活中,常可见到有些儿童虽说天真可爱,可头发却长得稀疏、细弱、枯黄、干燥而无色泽,很令父母烦恼。  医学研究表明,小儿头发的变化与疾病及其营养状况关系密切。一般来说,小儿患有佝偻病、苯丙酮症等病症时,头发就会枯黄、稀疏。除此之外,临床医学调查证实,小儿体内缺乏维生素A和维生素B1、B2、B6、B12、烟酸、叶酸等B族维生素及钙、锌、铁等矿物质时,致使头发营养缺乏,会妨碍头发的正常生长、发育。因此,