竹刻极致 永恒之美——段君阁藏竹赏析(上)

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竹刻收藏,自古就属杂项范畴,同字画、瓷玉大项难相提并论。但一器之微,往往穷工极巧,从收藏角度,虽属小门类,但其艺术性绝不逊色于其他门类。加之此类藏品皆为有机物,在自然界易受有害物质侵蚀和人为损坏,极难保存,故传世者甚少。明、清两代是繁荣之期,当时众多文人、书画家参与和从事竹木牙角的制作,使之与中国书画艺术结合,提高了其艺术 Bamboo collection, since ancient times it is a miscellaneous category, with the calligraphy, jade items difficult to compare. However, the weaknesses of one device are often extremely poor and poor workers. From a collection point of view, although they belong to the small category, their artistry is by no means inferior to other categories. In addition, these collections are all organic materials, which are easily attacked and man-made damage to the harmful substances in nature. Ming and Qing dynasties prospered, when many literati and calligraphers participated in and engaged in the making of bamboo and croissants, combining them with Chinese calligraphy and painting art and enhancing their art
高中生具备了一定量的生活素材,但往往缺乏将这些素材进行思维加工,将其转化为写作素材的能力。如何巧将生活素材变为自己的写作素材是本文阐述的重点。 High school studen