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2006年度的诺贝尔和平奖出人意料地由孟加拉国的经济学家和银行家穆罕默德·尤努斯获得,在他之前,这个奖项一直是授予那些政治家或者宗教人士的。诺贝尔委员会在颁奖公告中称,尤努斯和他的格莱珉银行(“格莱珉”在孟加拉语中意为“乡村”,故又称为“乡村银行”)“找到了使大量人口摆脱贫穷的方法”,而持久和平只有在大量人口摆脱贫困的前提下才成为可能。小额信贷就是这样一种方法。 The Nobel Peace Prize for 2006 was surprisingly won by Muhammad Yunus, an economist and banker in Bangladesh, who had been awarded the prize to politicians or religious figures until then. In its presentation statement, the Nobel Committee said that Yunus and his Grameen bank (“Grameen” means “village” in Bengali, hence the name “village bank”) found a way to get rid of large numbers of people A method of poverty, "while lasting peace is only possible if a large number of people are free of poverty. Microfinance is one such approach.
编辑同志:我的3岁儿子经常用手触摸生殖器,请问,这是手淫行为吗?为什么幼儿也有手淫行为?我们应该怎么办?内蒙匡美玉 Editor’s Comrade: My 3-year-old son often touch t
在忙碌的清晨,你是否经常顾不得吃早餐? 孩子的早餐吃什么?牛奶加鸡蛋是最理想的吗? In the busy morning, do you often refuse to eat breakfast? Children’s breakfast