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近来淘得晚清一才女工笔画一幅,画的水准虽不能入一流丹青高手之列,但也足以为今人研习工笔之范本了。而尤其是赏其画读其诗,更别有一番兴味。此画为绢本,品相方面,因绢面的右方稍有残破,但未伤及画面、落款和钤印处,约为九品吧。画的内容大概是月季之类,此画画风虽属传统,但初看之时还不能肯定其是否为晚清之作,直至由落款处文字和印章引发的一阵信息关联大搜索之后,方可作初步定位:应出自晚清才女彭若梅的手笔。落款处是这样写的:“壬寅年七月写赠葵娥二姊姊指政翥山鹤俦作于梁溪客次。”落款名章为“若梅”。 Amoy late late Qing Dynasty female artist strokes a painting, although the level of painting can not be among the best Dancing Experts, but also enough for today’s study of a model of the. In particular, enjoy its paintings to read their poems, but also do not have some interesting. This painting is a silk, the product phase, because the right side of the silk screen slightly broken, but did not hurt the screen, inscriptions and imprint Office, about nine products. The contents of the painting are probably the same as the rose, which is a traditional style of painting. However, at first glance, it is still not certain whether it is a late Qing dynasty or not. After a large search is triggered by a series of messages triggered by inscriptions and seals on the inscriptions Can be used for preliminary positioning: should be from late Qing Dynasty talented Penrose’s handwriting. The inscriptions are written like this: “Renyin wrote in July that the second sister-in-law of Kwai-ei refers to Liang-chieh-tsang, the chief executive of the government.”
In this work,a gas-fluidized reactor was developed for removing HCl from waste plastics pyrolysis.Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) accounts for 2~7% of total waste plasti
In this work,an innovative pyrolysis reactor for waste plastics pyrolysis was developed based their phase change characteristics during pyrolysis.Thermoplastics
最近,我读了英国作家C.S.刘易斯创作的《纳尼亚传奇》系列小说,这套小说由“纳尼亚七部曲”组成。其中之一的《魔法师的外甥》给我留下了最深刻的印象。读完后,我感触颇深。  《魔法师的外甥》讲述了一个惊险又刺激的冒险故事。男孩迪戈里和女孩波利誤入了安德鲁舅舅的秘密阁楼,发现安德鲁舅舅原来是一个心术不正的魔法师。为了实验魔法,安德鲁舅舅强迫迪戈里和波利带上魔戒,把他们送到了神秘的“界中林”。两人也因此开
大自然中,壮观的景色数不胜数:海上的日出、静美的黄昏、飞流的瀑布……都令人感到美不胜收。对我来说,清晨幽深宁静的竹林更是别有一番风味。  在黑夜即将被白昼代替之际,到竹林里去走走吧。彼时,太阳还未升起,轻盈的薄雾笼罩着整片竹林。你若细看,便会发现这薄雾的姿态变化万千——忽散,忽聚,忽飘,忽定。当你在竹林中缓缓穿行时,雾珠还会调皮地“挂”在你的衣服上。此情此景,正应了王维的那句“山路元无雨,空翠湿人
Due to their increasing usage,the impacts of nanomaterials on the environment have been of great interest to researchers recently.Fullerene (C60),i.e.,a typical
Magnetic photocatalyst solves the separation problem between wastewater and TiO2 photocatalysts by the application of magnetic field.This research investigates
最近,“红红”编辑部收到了一封奇怪的作文投稿,小编们读得抓耳挠腮,不知怎么办才好。小读者们一起来看看吧!  摘樱桃  星期六,我们去樱桃园采摘。一进园子,我们发现这里的樱桃又大又多,确认过眼神,我们是最幸运的人!  好嗨哟!我们拿了一个小桶,向樱桃园的深处跑去。低一点点的樱桃,我伸手就能摘到,高一点点的,硬核舅舅直接把我抱起来摘。摘着摘着,发现树顶的樱桃又大又红,可是太高了,我们怎么才能摘到呢?于