1994年召开的联合国人口与发展大会(ICPD)把生育健康列为全球人口与发展的重大议题。而生殖道感染(ReproductiveTract Infection,RTI)的预防与控制被认定为是生育健康的主要内容之一〔1〕。流动人口是城市中的一个特殊人群,其中的妇女更是弱势群体。未婚女性受经济因素、生活和
The United Nations Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in 1994 ranked reproductive health as a major issue of global population and development. ReproductiveTractInfection (RTI) prevention and control was identified as one of the main reproductive health 〔1〕. The floating population is a special group of people in the city, among whom women are the most vulnerable. Unmarried women affected by economic factors, life and