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   27年前,我在瓦萨学院也做了个演讲,大获成功。所有人都很喜欢。汤姆·布罗考说那是他听过的最好的毕业致辞。我当然相信这是他的肺腑之言。那篇演讲稿比起今天这篇来说容易起草很多。因为那个时候我经历的不少。我刚刚生了孩子,得了两个奥斯卡奖,一切都很顺利。那时的我很聪明能干,知道什么样的声音最动听,我可是拉拉队长出身啊,竭尽全力的喝彩加油是我的特长。但如今,我觉得自己懂得的东西,大概只有你们年轻女孩们的 1/16吧。对于世事,我不再像以往那么确定。我今年60岁,4个孩子都已经成年,也和你们面临着一样的挑战。不过尽管如此,对于很多我始终没搞懂,但还是很好奇的事情,我却变得更加乐观。
   Never before in the history or country have most of the advanced degrees been awarded to women but now they are. Since the dawn of man, it’s hardly more than 100 years since we were even allowed into these buildings except to clean them but soon most of law and medical degrees will probably also go to women. Around the world, poor women now own property who used to be property and according to Economist magazine, for the last ,two decades, the increase of female employment in the rich world has been the main driving force of growth. Those women have contributed more to global GDP growth than have either new technology or the new giants India or china. Cracks in the ceiling, cracks in the door, cracks in the Court and on the Senate floor.
   You know, I gave a speech at Vassar 27 years ago. It was a really big hit. Everyone loved it, really. Tom Brokaw said it was the very best commencement speech he had ever heard and of course I believed this. And it was much easier to construct than this one. It came out pretty easily because back then I knew so much. I was a new mother, I had two A academy awards and it was all coming together so nicely. I was smart and I understood boiler plate and what sounded good and because I had been on the squad in high school, earnest full-throated cheerleading was my specialty so that’s what I did but now, I feel like I know about 1/16th of what that young woman knew. Things don’t seem as certain today. Now I’m 60, I have four adult children who are all facing the same challenges you are. I’m more sanguine about all the things that I still don’t know and l’m still curious about.    What I do know about success, fame, celebrity——that would fill another speech. How it separates you from your friends, from reality, from proportion. Your own sweet anonymity, a treasure you don’t even know you have until it’s gone. How it makes things tough for your family and whether being famous matters one bit, in the end, in the whole flux of time. I know I was invited here because of that. How famous I am. How many awards I’ve won and while I am overweeningly proud of the work that, believe me, I did not do on my own. I can assure that awards have very little bearing on my own personal happiness. My own sense of well-being and purpose in the world-that comes from studying the world feelingly, with empathy in my work. It comes from staying alert and alive and involved in the lives of the people that I love and the people in the wider world who need my help. No matter what you see me or hear me saying when I’m on your TV holding a statuette spewing, that’s acting.
   Being a celebrity has taught me to hide but being an actor has opened my soul.
   Being here today has forced me to look around inside there for something useful that I can share with you and I’m really grateful you gave me the chance.
   You know you don’t have to be famous. You just have to make your mother and father proud of you and you already have. Bravo to you. Congratulations.
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摘 要:小学数学教学应对学生进行数学思想方法的渗透,掌握科学的思想方法能提升学生的思维品质,帮助学生探索规律,发现真理,解决问题。掌握科学的数学思想方法对提升学生的思维品质,对数学学科的后继学习,对其他学科的学习,乃至对学生的终身发展都具有十分重要的意义。  关键词:小学数学;思想方法;教学渗透  中图分类号:G623.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-010X(2008)11-0048-0
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Dear Dad,   You’re doing it all wrong.   Eleven years ago, the doctors handed you a little, pink 1)bundle of 2)vulnerability. You were 26 years old, and you walked out of the hospital entirely respo
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内容提要 赎罪文学成为当代文坛写作的新向标,这标志着当代文坛写作走向理性,也标志着读者阅读的理性回归。本文以近年来赎罪主题的几部长篇小说为例,分析该类型小说的文化源头、不同时期赎罪意识的表现方式以及局限。  关键词 赎罪 兴起 理性 地域 罪感  〔中图分类号〕I206.7 〔文献标识码〕A 〔文章编号〕0447-662X(2017)08-0125-04  赎罪书写的文化起源  当代赎罪书写起源于
【真题回放】  生活百味,有时候站在“别人”的角度看事情也是一種品质。今天请你站在鱼儿的角度,甚至化身为一条自由游动的鱼,走在鱼儿的思想里。  请以“走在鱼儿的思想里”为题写一篇文章。  说明:  ①要有自己的经历、体验和感悟,不得抄袭;  ②除诗歌戏剧外,文体不限;  ③不少于600字;  ④请勿透露考生个人信息。  【试题分析】  今年中考,一条鱼游进了常州考生的作文里,考生普遍反映作文被“一
关键词玄学家自然心有为心性  〔中图分类号〕B235〔文献标识码〕A〔文章编号〕0447-662X(2021)03-0052-07  魏晋玄学是中国传统哲学发展的一个重要阶段。由于魏晋名士常常“以诵讽为鬼语,以《六经》为芜秽,以仁义为臭腐”,①学术界常常将其排除在儒学传统之外,而视之为“道家学说之复兴”②或“新道家”。③笔者不以为然。笔者将从心灵理论的角度出发,通过揭示心性关系,指出:玄学家们以自
关键词:课堂提问;开放性问题;自主探究  中图分类号:G421 文献标识码:B  文章编号:1009-010X(2007)07/08-0053-01     不久前,为准备一次市级观摩课,我选择了冀教版小学语文第五册《狼和鹿》一课做为授课内容。为了使这节课能够反映新课标的理念,我作了大量的准备,精心设计了教学中的每一个环节。  当我站在试讲课堂上时,我感到胸有成竹。从课前游戏开始,孩子们就带着巨大