
来源 :中国邮政 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:win1917
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建高楼大厦,打好地基是关键。地基的深度直接决定着这座大厦是否坚固耐久。邮政经营工作亦同此理。面对市场经济大潮的洗礼,我们不能仅仅依靠阶段性的突击营销和少数大客户的贡献,来实现自身的市场价值。在企业常态化的经营工作中,我们更多的时候离不开一个稳定而坚实的基础客户群。这个群体是邮政实践各种商业模式的重要平台,更是企业保持自身良性运转、实现可持续发展目标的根基。如何让企业的基础客户群更加稳 Building high-rise buildings, lay the foundation is the key. The depth of the foundation directly determines whether the building is strong and durable. The same goes for postal administration. In the face of the tide of market economy, we can not rely solely on the stage surprise marketing and the contribution of a few large clients to realize our own market value. In the normal operation of the business, we can not do without a more stable and solid base customer base. This group is an important platform for postal practices of various business models, and it is also the foundation for enterprises to maintain their good performance and achieve the goal of sustainable development. How to make the basic customer base more stable
第一招:简单句——动名词(词组)、抽象名词助你一臂之力简单句,即只包含一个主谓结构的句型。例如:“越来越多的人开始骑自行车。”对这一简单句,学渣级的翻译是:More and mo
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Serioulsy!This is soooo good!Now I understand why they kill us!It makes so much sense!说真的,这太好吃了!现在我理解为什么他们要宰我们了,这样才有意义。 Seriously
Last week,my granddaughter started kindergarten,and,as is conventional,I wished her success.I was lying.What I actually wish for her is failure.I believe in the