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在摇滚史上,猫王普雷斯利的地位是无可替代的,他非凡的成功不仅由于漂亮的容貌、标志性的扭胯动作和出色的舞台表演,更在于他以白人身份把带有种族色彩的黑人节奏布鲁斯音乐介绍给白人而使自己站到了开创者的神坛上,使蕴含了巨大潜力的整个年轻一代在他身上找到了反抗精神的共同性,成为所处那个时代以及那一代人的代表。作为流行音乐历史上唱片销量最高的艺人,他的另一个深远影响是促进了摇滚乐在世界范围内的流行和普及。 In the history of rock, Presley Presley’s status is irreplaceable, his extraordinary success not only because of the beautiful appearance, the iconic twist hip action and excellent stage performance, but also in his white as a racially colored The introduction of black rhythmic blues music to whites and set himself up on the altar of the founders, bringing together the entire younger generation, with great potential, to find the commonplace of resistance in him, to be the representative of the time and generation . Another far-reaching influence of his career as a record-breaking artist in the history of popular music is the promotion of popularization and popularization of rock music in the world.
We all know better thanto indulge in officegossip, but we alsoknow how hard it is to holdourselves back from this devilishdelight. Fortunately, you don’thave
在上个世纪的技术领域,八十年代的象征是集成电路,九十年代的象征是网络。那么在这个世纪,第一个十年的象征会是什么?美国加州硅谷未来研究所主任Paul Saffo预言,将是改变我
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The same type of steel that cracked open when the Titanic struck an iceberg also may have doomed thepride of the Royal Navy—the battlecruiser HMS Hood—the la