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2009年12月1日,由民政部主办,汇丰银行中华慈善总会协办,民政部社会福利中心和天津鹤童老年福利协会承办的第五届全国老人院院长论坛在北京隆重举行。全国部分省市民政厅(局)社会福利处处长、老人院院长及来自国内外的知名专家学者约300余人参加了论坛。民政部副部长窦玉沛、中华慈善总会会长范宝俊出席并致辞;民政部社会福利和慈善事业促进司司长王振耀、全国老龄办副主任闫青春作了精彩演讲;部分省市民政厅(局)的同志介绍了本地区在扶持和监管养老机构方面的经验做法;一些老人院的院长通过案例分析介绍了本机构的发展状况和前景规划;来自国内外的专家学者从不同的角度介绍了当前养老机构发展的理论与探索。同时,论坛还对《机构养老服务规范》和《居家养老服务规范》两个拟出台的国家标准和民政部《社会福利机构管理办法(修订稿)》进行了热烈讨论。 December 1, 2009, hosted by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, co-organized by the China Charity Federation of HSBC, the Social Welfare Center of Ministry of Civil Affairs and Tianjin Hok Tong Elderly Welfare Association hosted the Fifth National Forum for the elderly care was held in Beijing. Some 300 provinces and cities such as the Director of the Social Welfare Department, the Presidency of the Senate and some well-known experts and scholars from home and abroad attended the forum. Vice Minister of Ministry of Civil Affairs Dou Yupei and President of China Charity Federation Fan Baojun attended and delivered speeches; Wang Zhenyao, director of the Social Welfare and Philanthropy Promotion Department of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and Yan Qingchun, deputy director of the National Bureau of Aging made a wonderful speech; some provincial and municipal civil affairs offices (bureaus) Introduced the experience of the region in supporting and supervising pension institutions. Some deans of nursing homes introduced the development and prospects of the institution through case studies. Experts and scholars from home and abroad introduced the current situation The Theory and Exploration of Pension Institution Development. At the same time, the forum also held heated discussions on the two proposed national standards of the Code of Institutions for Elderly Services and the Regulations on Elderly Care Services and the Measures for the Administration of Social Welfare Organizations (Revised Draft) of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.
WUSA完全名单@王盈爽 WUSA full list @ Wang Ying Shuang
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