Abundance of antibiotic resistance genes and their association with bacterial communities in activat

来源 :环境科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mmghb
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Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are deemed reservoirs of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs).Bacterial phylogeny can shape the resistome in activated sludge.However,the co-occurrence and interaction of ARGs abundance and bacterial communities in different WWTPs located at continental scales are still not comprehensively understood.Here,we applied quantitative PCR and Miseq sequence approaches to unveil the changing profiles of ARGs (sul1,sul2,tetW,tetQ,tetX),intI1 gene,and bacterial communities in 18 geographically distributed WWTPs.The results showed that the average relative abundance ofsul1and sul2 genes were 2.08 x 10-1 and 1.32 x 10-1 copies/16S rRNA copies,respectively.The abundance of tetW gene was positively correlated with the Shannon diversity index (H’),while both studied sul genes had significant positive relationship with the intI1gene.The highest average relative abundances of sul1,sul2,tetX,and intI1 genes were found in south region and oxidation ditch system.Network analysis found that 16 bacterial genera co-occurred with tetW gene.Co-occurrence patts were revealed distinct community interactions between aerobic/anoxic/aerobic and oxidation ditch systems.The redundancy analysis model plot of the bacterial community composition clearly demonstrated that the sludge samples were significant differences among those from the different geographical areas,and the shifts in bacterial community composition were correlated with ARGs.Together,these findings from the present study will highlight the potential risks of ARGs and bacterial populations carrying these ARGs,and enable the development of suitable technique to control the dissemination of ARGs from WWTPs into aquatic environments.
绯红无核葡萄是新疆克州地区温室栽培的鲜食品种之 。但是近几年来,温室栽培的绯红葡萄品质严重低下,主要表现为黄叶病严重、果实成熟不良、果穗不紧、果实大小不致、着色较差等,影响了该品种在市场上的竞争力,给广大葡萄种植农户造成了一定的经济损失。  葡萄上施用叶绿微肥能提高叶绿素含量,加强光合作用,增强树势,保花保果,提高座果率、单果重量和产量,促使着色,早熟,提高含糖量,改善果品质量。2008年,笔者