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褐稻虱(Nilaparvata lugens Stal)是我国和亚洲一些国家水稻上的重要害虫。近十多年来,我国大发生频次明显增加,为害程度日趋严重。从1968年起,大多数稻区病虫测报站开始把褐稻虱的观察和测报列入工作内容,1973年制定了全国统一的测报办法。但由于当时没有摸清褐稻虱远距离迁飞的特性,在测报工作中往往不能作出正确的预报,使防治工作陷于被动。有鉴于此,自1977年起建立了全国联合测报网,互通虫情、苗情和天气情况,全面分析各地虫情发生和变化的规律,以指导各地短期测报和大面积防治;同时比较年度间的发生特点,以促进迁飞规律的研究。 Nilaparvata lugens Stal is an important pest on rice in China and some Asian countries. In the past decade or so, the frequency of major accidents in our country has increased markedly, and the degree of harm has become increasingly serious. Since 1968, most of the pest forecasting stations in the paddy areas have begun to include observations and reports of brown planthopper in their work content. In 1973, a unified national reporting method was formulated. However, due to the fact that the characteristics of long-term flight of brown planthopper were not found at that time, it is often impossible to make a correct prediction in the survey and report so that the prevention and control work is passive. In view of this, since 1977, the establishment of a nationwide joint survey and reporting network, mutual insects, seedlings and weather conditions, a comprehensive analysis of the occurrence and changes of insects throughout the law to guide the local short-term reporting and large-scale prevention and control; at the same time compared to the year The occurrence characteristics to promote the study of migration rules.
鱼帮水,水帮鱼没有鱼的水是死水,没有水的鱼是死鱼努力“见大人则友之”,则自己就有可能成为“大人” Fish to help water, water to help fish Fish without water is stag
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尼氏钝绥螨(Amblyseius nicholsi Ehara et Lee)喜食红蜘蛛和多种植物花粉。1979年我们在室内用地棠黄花和蓖麻花粉另加30%的白糖水饲养尼氏钝绥螨,均能完成个体发育,不改变
三、抗性的遗传 对品种抗性遗传的研究,不仅能为当前的抗性育种提供科学依据,也是解决害虫“生物型”问题的钥匙。国际水稻所1971年开始研究品种对褐稻虱抗性的遗传,发现Mud
褐稻虱(Nilaparvata lugens Stal)系本区水稻穗期常易暴发的害虫。每年夏初自南方随西南气流渐次迁入虫源。成虫寿命和产卵历期很长,有两个产卵高峰,峰距为5天左右,峰期可持
一、国外杀菌剂的概况 据统计1979年世界农药销售总额为97亿美元,其中除草剂为39.25亿美元,杀虫剂为34.5亿美元,杀菌剂为18亿美元(《国外化工消息》第35期)。杀菌剂主要用于